![Pe298 What to do next? AI Voice Clone? [Podcast & Biz Update]](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3NzbC1zdGF0aWMubGlic3luLmNvbS9wL2Fzc2V0cy8xLzkvNi9jLzE5NmM3NWE0YWVkYTFhNTcyN2EyMzIyODEzYjM5M2VlL1BlMjk4LVNTLVYxLnBuZyIsImZhbGxiYWNrIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pczQtc3NsLm16c3RhdGljLmNvbS9pbWFnZS90aHVtYi9Qb2RjYXN0czExMy92NC8zNC85OS82Ni8zNDk5NjZiNS0xZWY1LTZiZDctODJkYy1kMTI0MWEyMWVhYjAvbXphXzM1ODg2NDgyMzY1NDAyOTIzNjAucG5nLzYwMHg2MDBiYi5qcGcifQ.vhagmu0mZNKZ3Lxj03HJ64jrRwRcmAAVE1qmemZtyCc.jpg?width=200&height=200)
What’s next for this podcast? Does it live on? Or come to its eventual end, as all things eventually do? 🟠 Please take our Podcast Survey to give us your insights 👍 🟠 https://forms.gle/nYABBT8XurRbGh4t7 In this episode, I discuss our edible business behind-the-scenes, how things have changed, and what we’re planning to do next (including how it affects the podcast’s future). After 8 years in the cannabis business, it seems like we make major business changes every couple of years, and suppose this is just the next phase of that constant change :) Thank you, Wayne Schwind your podcast host :) Chapters: 00:00 - Intro, what’s next 01:52 - AI Voice Clone V1 03:42 - Business strategy in a rapidly changing environment 18:38 - What podcast changes should we make? 25:32 - Hiring, marketing job details 28:02 - AI Voice Cloning 🟠 Podcast Survey Link to give us your insights 👍 🟠 https://forms.gle/nYABBT8XurRbGh4t7
May 19, 2023
34 min

[Consulting Call] In 2022, the FDA issued more warning letters to CBD companies than ever. To address this, Graham Lipsman, an engineer and eCommerce consultant, developed a tool for cannabis and hemp companies called Simple Certs. Will it work as a compliance tool? Should it pivot to a marketing tool? We analyze and judge the idea in this episode. 🟠 BUY our Effects-Focused Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Apr 19, 2023
39 min

Join Dr. Codi Peterson, PharmD, as we dive into the world of hash and the unique terpenes that make it different from cannabis flower. In this episode, Codi we investigate a terpene only found in "Hashishene”, and explore the effects it may have on the user. We also discuss the challenges of studying terpene effects, as well as the limited availability of hash on the market. Article we discuss - What is Hashishene? Examining the unique chemistry of hashish 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Feb 20, 2023
43 min

Join Ruth Fisher, PhD, as she navigates us through the process of finding cannabis scientific papers, meta-studies, and patents into your writing. From understanding the pros and cons of meta-studies, and the challenges of finding patents, this episode will help you effectively source, filter and integrate cannabis research. 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Feb 8, 2023
1 hr 7 min

(Consulting Call) Cannabis is a topic long shrouded in mystery, but as research and knowledge advance, so does our understanding of its potential. THCA, a cannabinoid that has been shown to have medicinal benefits, is a prime example of this. In this episode, we dive into cannabis myths and why certain trends are emerging, not because of the science, but due to State Regulations and being illegal at the Federal Level. 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Jan 21, 2023
53 min

We delve into the complex world of cannabis industry investigations and explore the tragic case of Adam Hill, a politician involved in a bribery scandal who later took his own life. We examine the potential factors that may have led to Hill's downward spiral, including physical health issues and the pressure of keeping secrets. Our guest is Donnell Alexander, who spent several months investigating and writing the Adam Hill Story. 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Jan 6, 2023
58 min

[Part-2 w/ Ruth Fisher, PhD] We dive into the hotly debated topic of federal legalization. With more States legalizing cannabis for recreational use, the pressure is on for the federal government to follow suit. What forces are driving federal legalization, and how will it impact businesses and States that have already legalized cannabis? 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Chapters: 00:00 - Helpful regulations 04:35 - Taxing Medallions 08:55 - Interstate commerce regulations 13:50 - How rec. can complicate medical use 22:40 - Taxing across entire industry 25:00 - Potentcies affect on society + legalization 31:15 - Descheduling Vs. Rescheduling Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Dec 21, 2022
41 min
![Pe291 The High Cost of Cannabis Legalization [Understanding the Tax Implications]](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3NzbC1zdGF0aWMubGlic3luLmNvbS9wL2Fzc2V0cy9mL2MvMS83L2ZjMTc4M2M3YzQwOTc0ODkvQXJ0d29ya19pdHVuZXNfMzAwMF94XzMwMDBfbmV3LnBuZyIsImZhbGxiYWNrIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pczQtc3NsLm16c3RhdGljLmNvbS9pbWFnZS90aHVtYi9Qb2RjYXN0czExMy92NC8zNC85OS82Ni8zNDk5NjZiNS0xZWY1LTZiZDctODJkYy1kMTI0MWEyMWVhYjAvbXphXzM1ODg2NDgyMzY1NDAyOTIzNjAucG5nLzYwMHg2MDBiYi5qcGcifQ.LU4poCcnd2syuA0kawR7zZU7n1nqX8zBn6HYJGZB0Ek.jpg?width=200&height=200)
[Part-1 w/ Ruth Fisher, PhD] Discussing the potential implications of federal legalization or descheduling of cannabis. Ruth shares her insights on how States are taxing cannabis differently and the effects of these differing tax structures on the future industry. We also explore the regulation of alcohol and its potential effects on cannabis legalization, its stakeholders, including consumers, producers, and regulators. 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Chapters: 00:00 - Intro, Ruth Fisher, Ph.D 01:00 - Taxing regulations impact on cannabis 05:50 - State-to-state regulated commerce 08:18 - Looking at cannabis tax procedures 16:30 - Why regulators tax this way 25:25 - Taming the black market Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05 Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects
Dec 15, 2022
33 min

Companies are using the Blockchain, Crypto & NFTs to promote new products and provide exclusive deals to consumers. Our guest, Robert Lund, Founder of Studio TBH, is applying this strategy to cannabis. We discuss their strategy and if it’ll work in the cannabis space. 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 20% OFF your 1st Order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 01:35 - What is Web 3.0, Blockchain & NFT’s 12:28 - Why this strategy with Cannabis 18:45 - Strategy for Launching NFT's 26:15 - Using NFT's for Cannabis Education 36:19 - Outro Watch on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05
Nov 30, 2022
38 min

As New Jersey forces their rec market forward, they’re making the same mistakes many other States did before them. Will the market be able to thrive, or get swallowed up by big business and consolidate? Alan Ao, PharmD, joins us to discuss his experience inside New Jersey. 🟠 SHOP our Effects-Based Edibles 🟠 10% OFF your 1st order w/ Code = PODCAST https://www.periodiccaramels.com/shop-edibles Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 02:40 - Conditional Use License 09:50 - How Licensing Issues Hurt the Market 18:27 - Is the Cannabis Market Impacting Other Markets? 24:15 - The Future of Small Cannabis Business 29:05 - How the Market Limits Consumers 36:25 - Cannabis Marketing and Branding 41:05 - How Pharmacies & the Cannabis Market Can Pair 45:00 - Empty Federal Legalization Promises 57:45 - Opioids Vs. Cannabis 1:02:10 - Small Business: When Do You Walk Away? 1:08:00 - Outro Watch our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeriodicEffects Free Consulting Call w/ Wayne: https://calendly.com/periodic-wayne/call?month=2022-05
Nov 18, 2022
1 hr 9 min
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