Final episode of this podcast and information on the upcoming video livestreaming
updates. The PA General Assembly has adjourned for the summer. Get an update on
where our pro-gun bills stand.
Show Notes:
Like GOA-Pennsylvania’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/goapennsylvania (https://www.facebook.com/goapennsylvania)
Jul 2, 2021
3 min

House Republican Leadership stalls Constitutional Carry (HB 659) on the House floor and attempts to throw the bill’s prime sponsor, Representative Aaron Bernstine (R-10), under the bus for being an outspoken champion for this important bill. Listen as what transpired in the Capitol is explained. Also, a quick update on where we stand with SB 624, Senator Doug Mastrano’s Right to Bear Arms Protection Act.
Show Notes:
Vote on HB 979: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/RC/Public/rc_view_action2.cfm?sess_yr=2021andsess_ind=0andrc_body=Handrc_nbr=294 (https://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/RC/Public/rc_view_action2.cfm?sess_yr=2021andsess_ind=0andrc_body=Handrc_nbr=294)
Take Action on Constitutional Carry: https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/07092021/ (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/07092021/)
Jun 18, 2021
8 min

Dr. Val gives us an insider view of the House Judiciary Committee meeting on May 25th where HB 659 (Constitutional Carry) and HB 979 (Strengthening Preemption) bills were reported without amendment on a 14-11 vote. Anti-gun Republican Todd Stephens voted with the Democrats.
Show notes:
Take Action on Constitutional Carry: https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/05262021/ (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/05262021/)
Take Action on Right to Bear Arms Protection Act (check to see if your Senator’s name is on the list at the top of the alert before sending): https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/?p=969andpreview=true (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/06012021/)
Jun 4, 2021
10 min

Dr. Val gives the highlights on the recent Pennsylvania primary elections along with some important information about why GOA endorses in primaries.
May 28, 2021
7 min

In this episode, Dr. Val discusses the recent press conference on the Capitol Steps with Senator Doug Mastriano and GOA’s lawsuit against the City of Philadelphia over their homemade firearms and 3-D printed gun bans.
Show Notes:
Senator Mastriano Press Conference on SB 624: https://senatormastriano.com/2021/05/12/news-conference-right-to-bear-arms-act-sb-624/ (https://senatormastriano.com/2021/05/12/news-conference-right-to-bear-arms-act-sb-624/)
If you live in Senator Jake Corman’s district, send him a message to move SB 624: https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/?p=920andpreview=true (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/05182021/)
GOA Press Release on Philly “Ghost Gun” Lawsuit: https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/goa-gof-sue-philadelphia-for-illegal-ghost-gun-ban/ (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/goa-gof-sue-philadelphia-for-illegal-ghost-gun-ban/)
“On Target,” a new series on gun legislation produced by Representative Matt Dowling and the House 2A Caucus: http://www.repdowling.com/2Acaucus (http://www.repdowling.com/2Acaucus)
May 21, 2021
11 min

Senator Doug Mastriano’s bill to make the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a Second Amendment Sanctuary was filed on Monday, May 3rd. The bill number is SB 624. Listen as Dr. Val explains the main features of the bill to block enforcement of any new federal gun control laws.
Show Notes:
Right to Bear Arms Protection Act: Send a message to your state senator: https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/05032021/ (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/05032021/)
Indiana County Second Amendment Rally (Saturday, May 8th): https://www.facebook.com/events/1351983475164463 (https://www.facebook.com/events/1351983475164463)
PCN Call-In. Val Finnell faces off with Adam Garber of CeaseFire. Call in so that gun owners have a strong showing: https://pcntv.com/callin/ (https://pcntv.com/callin/)
Libertarian Mises Caucus (Pittsburgh): https://www.facebook.com/events/263768098549605/ (https://www.facebook.com/events/263768098549605/)
May 7, 2021
9 min

Senator Cris Dush (R-25) has filed SB 565, the GOA-endorsed Constitutional Carry bill in the PA Senate. Listen as Dr. Val explains where we are with this bill and the challenges it faces to get it through committee and passed.
Show Notes:
Take Action: Send a pre-written letter to your state senator to co-sponsor, report, and pass SB 565, “Constitutional Carry” : https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/04192021/ (https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/04192021/)
Apr 30, 2021
12 min

Val goes over the GOA candidate endorsements to date and gives a brief update on what’s been happening in PA and our neighboring state of West Virginia.
Show Notes:
Judge Brobson for Supreme Court: https://brobsonforpa.com/
Chris Gebhard for Senate District 48: https://www.gebhardforpa.com/
Leslie Rossi for House District 59: https://www.rossiforpa.com/
Abby Major for House District 60: https://www.majorforpa.com/
Kevin Kraus for Allegheny County Sheriff: https://krausforsheriff.com/
See anti-gun press release from challenger Dom Costa:
Brian Shank for Erie County Sheriff: https://shankforsheriff.com/
Apr 16, 2021
12 min

Val covers the philosophical underpinning of GOA’s efforts using the Declaration of Independence and how it shapes our “no compromise” agenda.
Show notes:
Enlist in GOA’s Grassroots Army:
https://donate.gunowners.org/join/ (https://donate.gunowners.org/join/)
Apr 9, 2021
13 min

Val brings you the latest news regarding GOA’s bump stock case victory in the US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. This is followed by a brief, legislative, SASO, and election update.
Show Notes:
Support GOA’s Legal Efforts: https://www.gunowners.org/na03252021/
Send a message to your PA legislators to support strengthening firearms preemption: https://pennsylvania.gunowners.org/03222021/
Apr 2, 2021
9 min
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