Patrons of Change Podcast

Patrons of Change

Marc Krejci
This was a podcast where my friend Lucas Parry and I explored topics including entrepreneurship, technology, philanthropy, social justice, our environment and other issues affecting our world and ways that we can make an impact. We retired the show after the pitch competition, but had a lot of fun doing it along the way!
It's been a long time since we've posted a new episode of the Patrons of Change podcast, and there is good reason for that.  We've got some very exciting announcements that we'll cover in today's episode regarding the future direction of both the podcast episodes and meetup groups. Today we are extremely proud to be officially announcing FastPitch!  This is THE PREMIERE event in Nashville to pitch your business idea for cash awards and an opportunity for investment.This event takes place in 3 phases.PitchCamp - Febuary 6thOpenPitch - Febuary 27th & March 7thFastPitch (Main Event) - March 31stListen to the podcast, and visit the site to learn more information about these tremendous events.  Please SIGN UP right away to attend!  We're going to have a great time! Come join us.Companies scheduled to pitch:Air Compresser (Eric Jolly)Dual Tailgate (Cameron Lee)GPS Assassins (Jackson Miller)Hot Water System (Joel Bruerd) Inc. (Andrew Crefeld)InkFlip LLC (Andy Sperry)Kanga Chair (Mary Harvey)Lifetime Reel (John Price)My College Road Trip (Michael Oyler)Students & Startups (Justin Davis)V-Flex Corporation (Tim Nicely)Vintage Graphs LLC (Dan Simpson)
Jan 9, 2009
Growing Angels
We all feel like we have a million-dollar idea that if we could just get it started, could really change the world.  But many times businesses need a little capital behind them to get the idea out of your head and into the real world. In this episode of the Patrons of Change podcast we spoke with Rachael Qualls who is the founder of the Angel Capital Group, a collection of angel investors who get together to do just that... fund ideas that change the world.  We discuss what an angel investor is, what they are looking for and how to get your idea to them.  Its a great time and I hope you enjoy it! We hope you enjoy listening to the conversation, and join in yourself by going to our newly implemented web site and participating in the forums, or by leaving a voicemail anytime by dialing (xxx) xxx-xxxx, or emailing us at [email protected]. If you’re a founder of a business anywhere in the Nashville area, remember to jump on our forum page and let us know where you'd like to come out and join us at our next Entrepreneurial Meetup which will be on Tuesday, July the 8th, 7:00pm in Brentwood/Cool Springs. This is a place for entrepreneurs to informally discuss their business free of customers, investors, employees and spouses to help and encourage others to move forward in their businesses. Come on out and have a beer, it is always a good time. We look forward to seeing you there! SHOW LINKS: Angel Capital Group Angel Capital Association US Capital Highway AngelSoft
Jun 26, 2008
Mythbusting Entrepreneurship
In this episode of the Patrons of Change podcast we sat down with Dr. Jeffrey R. Cornwall who is the Jack C. Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University's Center for Entrepreneurship. One of the great ways to change the world is through business, and understanding the dynamics of how to start and run your own business can be overwhelming. Dr. Cornwall discusses what makes an entrepreneur, what it takes to be an entrepreneur, the current business climate and dispels some popular myths about entrepreneurship. We hope you enjoy listening to the conversation, and join in yourself by commenting on our blog, leaving a voicemail anytime by dialing (615) 212-2184, or emailing us at [email protected]. If you’re a founder of a business anywhere in the Nashville area, remember to come out and join us at our next Entrepreneurial Meetup which will be on Tuesday, May the 13th, 7:00pm at the Sportsman's Lodge in Brentwood/Cool Springs. This is a place for entrepreneurs to informally discuss their business free of customers, investors, employees and spouses to help and encourage others to move forward in their businesses. Come on out and have a beer, it is always a good time. We look forward to seeing you there! SHOW LINKS: Dr. Cornwall's Blog Success rate myth Dot com era Average startup capital Social Entrepreneurship Bongo Java & Fido Non-profit entities and 501(c)(3) Second Harvest Food Bank Sam Davidson of Cool People Care Pura Vida Coffee Generation Y's calling Green/Environmental Movement Recession AMEX survey on small business Inflation of 1970's v. 2000's Global economy
May 2, 2008
The GO Concert
In this episode of the Patrons of Change podcast we focus on the issues of social action, and missional living and ways that you can take part. We have a great conversation about ways that we are currently involved in various programs and explore other services on the web and in your local communities. In the Feature of the program we talk about a project Lucas has been heavily involved in over the past year called The GO Concert and the way it is making an impact in local churches and communities. It's a very exciting project and I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing about it! Also if you’re a founder of a business in Nashville, remember to come out and join us at our next Entrepreneurial Night which will be on Tuesday, April the 8th, 7:00pm at the Sportsman Grille in Brentwood/Cool Springs. Come on out and have a beer, it is always a good time. We look forward to seeing you there! SHOW LINKS: The GO Concert "Banker to the Poor" Grameen Bank MicroPlace Habitat for Humanity Digital Music Summit
Apr 7, 2008
The Next Music Industry
In the last several years, the music industry has dramatically changed, and with that change has come immense heartbreak but also great opportunity. We discuss these changes along with a few other topics. Jump in and join the conversation by dialing emailing us at [email protected] or calling (615) 212-2184 today! Just ignore the section about the next meetup event... it didn't happen. Sorry for those of you counting on it. But fret not! We will be having another one in April. Stay tuned for more info on that.
Mar 18, 2008
Green Tech
Thanks for tuning in to the second episode of the Patrons of Change podcast, conversations about rejecting the status quo. Sorry this episode is coming at you so late, I have been totally swamped. We actually recorded this a couple of weeks ago but due to some technical errors I wasn't able to get it up right away. There's still a bad sounding mic and a voicemail message that I wasn't able to get uploaded properly (so sorry for the leveling problem). All of that aside though, it was a great conversation and I want to thank you all for your feedback and support. 0:49 - Wayback Machine 3:54 - 7:11 - Chamber of Commerce 13:18 - Main Topic: Green Tech 25:02 - Feedback: Automation - 4 Hour Work Week, The World is Flat 33:05 - Meetup & Closing Please be sure to drop us an email to join the conversation at [email protected] and give us a call at our voicemail line at (615) 212-2184, we'd love to hear from you! Also if you're a founder of a business in Nashville, remember to come out and join us at our next Entrepreneurial Night which will be on Tuesday, February the 12th, 7:00pm at the Sportsman Grille in Brentwood/Cool Springs. Come on out and have a beer, it is always a good time. We look forward to seeing you there!
Feb 6, 2008
Introducing the Patrons of Change podcast. Conversations about rejecting the status quo. We'll explore topics including entrepreneurship, technology, philanthropy, social justice and other issues affecting our world and ways that we can make an impact. In this episode we simply spell out our intentions for this series and ask for your feedback and participation. So jump in and join the conversation! 2:37 - Podcast Intentions 3:16 - Tags Section Explained 3:30 - Faxing is Dead 7:22 - Servant Networking 14:06 - Product (RED) 19:02 - Main Topic: Podcast Introduction 20:08 - Lucas' Background 21:23 - How We Met 22:11 - Marc's Background 24:42 - User Feedback Request 25:31 - Entrepreneurship Night 30:27 - Contact Information Please be sure to drop us an email to join the conversation at [email protected] and give us a call at our voicemail line at (615) 212-2184, we'd love to hear from you! Also if you're a founder of a business in Nashville, remember to come out and join us at our next Entrepreneurial Night which will be on Tuesday, January the 8th, 7:00pm at 725 Cool Springs Boulevard, 6th floor. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dec 21, 2007