OutsideVoices with Mark Bidwell
OutsideVoices with Mark Bidwell
Mark Bidwell
Jeff Booth: Deflation, Bitcoin and the Price of Tomorrow
1 hour 1 minutes Posted Dec 15, 2021 at 3:15 am.
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Jeff Booth has been at the forefront of technological change for over 20 years. He founded a company called BuildDirect based in Vancouver, an e-commerce platform that was on its way to being a unicorn before he dramatically and suddenly left because, as he says it, his integrity was not for sale. When I first heard this story, I could relate to the emotional toll this must have taken on him, having been through something very similar, albeit on a far smaller scale. But I was also struck by how quickly Jeff bounced back, and the impact that he has had since then, be it with companies he’s founded, invested in or advised. Jeff and I talk about the arc of his career, his book "The Price of Tomorrow," as well as crypto and blockchain. Then we drop from macro-topics into micro-topics of how he chooses to spend his time amidst the many new opportunities that he sees in the world today.

What We Cover: 

- The roots and disastrous consequences of inflationary monetary system

- The “war” between the current monetary system and what exponential technology is bringing

- Why digital currency like Bitcoin has the potential to mitigate the climate change and to contribute to a different economic system

Key Learnings and Takeaways: 

- There is no way to solve inequality through an inflationary monetary system. An inflationary monetary system equals inequality.

- In a world that is changing really fast, the advantage goes to people that are open to learning faster. 

- We need to have an incentive system based on truth, that can’t be changed by rulers, a system that incentivises cooperation. Digital currencies can play a significant role in creating such systems.  

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: 

- “The Price of Tomorrow” by Jeff Booth https://www.amazon.com/Price-Tomorrow-Deflation-Abundant-Future/dp/1999257405/ 

- Jeff Booth’s Website https://www.jeffreybooth.com/ 

- Connect with Jeff Booth on Twitter https://twitter.com/JeffBooth 

- Terramera https://www.terramera.com/ 

- Cubic Farms https://cubicfarms.com/ 

- Addy https://www.addyinvest.com/ 

- NocNoc https://nocnoc.com/ 

- “Swag: Alternative Investments for the Coming Decate” by Joe Roseman ​​https://www.amazon.com/Swag-Alternative-Investments-Coming-Decade/dp/1781485186/ 

- Eric Jorgenson: Leverage, Permissionlessness and Naval’s Book of Wisdom on OutsideVoices https://outsidelens.com/eric-jorgenson/ 

Connect with Mark Bidwell: - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/markbidwell/ 

- Twitter https://twitter.com/markehb