Our Power Is Out: A Role Playing Podcast Podcast

Our Power Is Out: A Role Playing Podcast

Patrick Flood
Join a bunch of friends on a mighty quest through lands combining Shakespeare, D&D, Star Wars, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Currently Playing D&D 5E, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.
[Lunamar] Chapter 5, Part 3: "For Moondrop"
With the funeral behind them, now our heroes can get back to work on hunting down this Chosen and -- wait, where's Moondrop? Oh, Gods, not again. Worry not, however, fair listeners. This troupe of heroes is definitely the team to call on when your friendly neighborhood dragon child shows up. Definitely won't get sidetracked whatsoever.    DM: Kristen Ippolito Players: Patrick Flood Jack Manning  Jess Juan-Aquino   Theme Song is "Fall" by Ross Bugden Background Music by Sword Coast Soundscapes Cover Art by Vincent Marcellino
Aug 21, 2019
1 hr 17 min
[Lunamar] Chapter 5, Part 2: "I Made The Bee Movie!"
After being trapped in a hellish limbo by forces not of their world, our heroes are back at it. To get back into the swing of things, the group decides to do what they're just the absolute worst at, navigating politics and researching their deepest fears. Which of Sebastian's childhood acquaintances will turn out to be horrible kin-slayers next? Is Robin hiding something from the rest of the team? Will Uthoian be torn asunder by a horde of devilish fairies? The answers are a mystery to all... (Answers: 1.All of them, it's probably all of them. 2.I don't know but I'm pretty sure it's a yes. 3.Of course, every single night in his dreams, and probably in real life soon too.)   DM: Kristen Ippolito Players: Patrick Flood Jack Manning  Jess Juan-Aquino   Theme Song is "Fall" by Ross Bugden Background Music by Sword Coast Soundscapes Cover Art by Vincent Marcellino
Jul 11, 2019
1 hr 41 min
Malevolence in Mason's Bay: A Crossover Adventure, Episode 2
1985, Maine. "According to police, inroads are still being made into the case of four murdered teens from the small town of Mason's Bay. Witnesses have reported increased police activity in an apparent cavern system beneath the scene of the crime, and just last night gunshots were reported from the area. An anonymous source has informed us that in addition to federal support, two locals are also involved in the case, one child reporter and an herbalist from the area. It is as of now unknown if they are suspects or witnesses, but either way, they're quite a motley crew. You're listening to WPIO radio. Next up, Motley Crue, Shout at the Devil"   DM: Patrick Flood (@uninvitedhaggis, Our Power Is Out: A Role Playing Podcast, @OurPowerPodcast) Players: Tom As Nadeem Nodan (@Bourguit, Sea Dogs Podcast, @SeaDogsPodcast) Mat As Agent Calvin Shafer (@Witty_Mat, The Stranger Lands, @StrangerLands) Ryan As 'Gizmo' (Erretall: A D&D Podcast, https://erretall.podbean.com/)
Feb 7, 2019
1 hr 46 min
Malevolence in Mason's Bay: A Crossover Adventure, Episode 1
1985, Maine. This just in, the small town of Mason's Bay mourns today after police discovered the bodies of four teens murdered in a house on the edge of town. Reports indicate that the FBI has taken an interest in the investigation. While details are being withheld for the time being, citizens are encouraged to report any information they may have to the Mason's Bay Sheriff's Department. We'll keep you up to date on developments as they arrive.   DM: Patrick Flood (@uninvitedhaggis, Our Power Is Out: A Role Playing Podcast, @OurPowerPodcast) Players: Tom As Nadeem Nodan (@Bourguit, Sea Dogs Podcast, @SeaDogsPodcast) Mat As Agent Calvin Shafer (@Witty_Mat, The Stranger Lands, @StrangerLands) Ryan As 'Gizmo' (Erretall: A D&D Podcast, https://erretall.podbean.com/)
Jan 6, 2019
2 hr 7 min
[Lunamar] Chapter 5, Part 1: "A Basket of Barbie Furniture"
With the connection to the goddess Juliet all but severed and possible further danger on the horizon, our heroes must ride once more unto the breach. As the princess sends them on a special mission, will they be able to stay the course and find the next Chosen? Or, perhaps, will they all get eaten by fairies?  I'm betting on the latter. You guys seen Hellboy 2? Those fairies can be real nasty.   DM: Kristen Ippolito Players: Patrick Flood Jack Manning  Jess Juan-Aquino   Theme Song is "Fall" by Ross Bugden Background Music by Sword Coast Soundscapes Cover Art by Vincent Marcellino
Nov 7, 2018
1 hr 1 min
[Lunamar] | Uthoian | Fox-Ears
As our heroes head towards the forest island of Arden, we take a look back at the past of one in particular, Uthoian Darksbane, and how he came to be acquanted with the magical isle. Join us as we experience Yu's childhood, diving into his relationship with the Orobek siblings, Portia and Bassanio, and how he happened to screw everything up, even at such a young age. Par for the course honestly.  Get ready folks, it's about to get real Bridge-To-Terabithia-y in here. DM: Kristen Ippolito Players: Patrick Flood with a guest appearance by a sense of childhood whimsy that slowly gives way to a creeping dread.   Theme Song is "Fall" by Ross Bugden Background Music by Sword Coast Soundscapes Cover Art by Vincent Marcellino
Oct 9, 2018
54 min
[Lunamar] Chapter 4, Finale: "Keeping All Our Fingers In One Basket"
Now, with the festival day of the Goddess Rosalind upon them, our heroes are trying to piece together the danger that faces the Capitol. Surely, all is doomed if they can't figure out the arcane trickery at hand.  Or they're a bunch of worry-worts who should honestly take a chill pill. Stick around after this episode for a special post credits scene! That's right, we're going MCU in this place. Cover art credit: Vincent Marcellino, @VincenzoNova on twitter, instagram. DM Kristen Ippolito Players Jack Manning Jess Juan-Aquino Patrick Flood  
Sep 26, 2018
2 hr 5 min
[Lunamar] Chapter 4, Part 2: "The Day of Ships and Secrets"
Enjoying their time off from any major crises in the land of Ordamar, the party continues to go about their own business, cavorting with love interests, or spending time with family, or, in some cases, spending a night wandering through the woods in search of a bunch of elves. As tensions fall, things start to come out. But will all these revelations create even more problems, or is there something else afoot behind the scenes?   DM: Kristen Ippolito Players:  Patrick Flood Jess Juan-Aquino Jack Manning
Sep 12, 2018
1 hr 20 min
[Lunamar] Chapter 4, Part 1: "If I Close My Eyes And Pretend It's Viola, It's Almost The Same"
Welcome back, friends, to the world of Lunamar. With Morden now safe and another apocalypse averted, we rejoin our heroes as they return to the Capital to meet with the Princess and find their next course of action. That is, of course, if they have a course of action to follow. This week, our heroes meet with some friends and, well, honestly, dredge up some serious relationship memories. The ships are a'sailing, folks, all aboard.   DM: Kristen Ippolito Players: Jack Manning Jess Juan-Aquino Patrick Flood
Aug 30, 2018
1 hr 40 min
[Lunamar] Chapter 3, Finale, Part 2: "Ask It What Pot Of Greed Does"
With the Frost Dragon Lumicke banished, and the dire conspirators defeated, all that is left for our heroes is to tie up loose ends and set sail back for the Capital. Of course, that's if they can actually figure out the reason they were sent to Morden in the first place. Can they figure it out? Can they track down the rest of Robin's family? Will they be smote by an angry deity? Can Kristen possibly manage to get this troupe of fools back on track? We'll have to see.   DM: Kristen Ippolito   Players: Jack Manning Patrick Flood Jess Juan-Aquino
Aug 16, 2018
1 hr 9 min
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