Our Four Cents Podcast

Our Four Cents

Mark and Zach
A Podcast
Episode 57 - C2E2 Part Deux
A jam packed episode this week friends!   1/2 of us attended this years C2E2 and had adventures with Walking Dead folk, Hobbits, and Batman, and its all chronicled here.  We also catch up with each other and create some wonderful pickup lines using only Black Keys music.  Love it. M.E.M.E. - Dr. John Photos By Dan Huffman Right Click to Download!
Apr 22, 2012
Episode 56 - Non Easter Easter Special
We here at Our Four Cents hope that the biweekly nature of the show is tolerable, cause it barely is to us.  This week on the show we have a nice chat about some current events and the use of certain "unforgiveable" words.  Not much else to say other than HAPPY EASTER! Right Click to Download
Apr 8, 2012
Episode 55 - Marks Return!
Well it took almost all of Zach's knowledge from his Private Eye days to track down the elusive Mark Smidt, but he did it, and boy is the payoff incredible.  Mark brings to the table the GREATEST GAME IN OUR FOUR CENTS HISTORY Right Click to Download!
Mar 25, 2012
Episode 54 - Robot Love
With Mark having a real person job the show has taken some impromptu breaks, BUT NO MORE.  Zach spent the better part of the week creating a co host robot, and here is his prototype debut!  We hope you enjoy! Right Click to Download!
Mar 12, 2012
Episode 53 - Forced Hiatus
Well you really can't prepare yourself for what life can throw at you, and for that we here at Our Four Cents is half sorry.  Tough times were had but they just made us stronger but sadly none of that transferred to the podcast. This week on the show we review all the movies we should have over the past 2 weeks, talk about our feelings, and read comments in stiff British accents.... M.E.M.E. - Hayseed Dixie Right Click to Download!
Feb 26, 2012
Episode 52 - The Return of Dubstep
This week on the show Tony Dubstep Wash returns to shamelessly promote his new film "The Storm"!  Also we talk about how incredibly sexy Ryan Gosling is and play a one sided edition of The Movie Salad Shooter game. Right Click to Download!
Feb 6, 2012
Episode 51 - Apparently
This week on the show Mark has a mini meltdown during Real Steel because he loves Boxing Movies more than 100 episodes of this podcast could convey.  Some Headlines get thrown into the mix, and we answer some Adventure Time Trivia to settle on the next turn for the Movie Chess Game since we watched all 5 Trancers.  Zach would like them to make more by the way... Right Click to Download!
Jan 30, 2012
Episode 50 - The Uncanny Valley
Have you ever wondered what an alternate Earth would have in store for you?  Have you ever wondered what it would have in store for your favorite podcast?  Well wonder no longer!!!  This week Mark and Zach traverse the ether between worlds to bring you the 1st Episode of the the alternate universes Uncanny Valley!  It was a tough trip and we lost a few good interns so we hope you enjoy.  We also (in this world) wrap up the Trancers Saga! M.E.M.E. - Clutch Right Click to Download!
Jan 23, 2012
Episode 49 - Toe Babies
Its a short one but a good one this week as the boys finally watch and review Trancers III, the darkest film in the series yet.  We also play a round of the OFC Movie Game: Finn and Jake edition.  Then a lot of crazy shit happens that i don't know how to sum up. M.E.M.E. - Music from Portal Right Click to Download!
Jan 15, 2012
Episode 48 - An Introspective
Well no one said we'd do it, especially our parents friends and coworkers but we proved them wrong. 1/6/2012 marked the year anniversary of Our Four Cents.  We wouldn't be here without you guys and we want to take the time to say thank you. This week we go really old school and talk NFL predictions, Zach talks about his Vegas trip, and the boys count down their Bottom Five moments of the podcast. Right Click to Download!
Jan 8, 2012
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