Not far from L.A in a so-called Rehab we welcome you inside a strange world which isn't that so crazy
Our episode features Will one of the patient & myself
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May 24, 2023
15 min

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Aug 10, 2022
59 sec

Des personnalités cloisonnées au sein d’institutions psychiatriques aux pathologies lourdes ou légères, des inconnues ou connues chuchotent leurs vies fragmentées au micro d’Aude de la Vallières À travers, nos entretiens avec Aude, vous êtes au cœur des coulisses d’un podcast en pleine naissance à travers notre podcast : Optimistic In Black
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Jan 20, 2022
9 min

Hello, I’m back ⬅️ nonetheless sad 😭 but alive and determined to see the day after day where I’m! In this episode the true about Madonna, the marketing strategy behind her Madame X Tour & rare stories about Marlene Dietrich ✨
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Mar 6, 2020
27 min

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Jan 22, 2020
28 min

We are gonna tell you a secret... George Michael, Diane Warren, Mutya Buena are the protagonists now
About hazards destiny coincidences? About three songs which literally changed my life 20 years ago and by only one single choice of the more than 70 000 songs, I earned transformed everything again a few days ago. Why did I choose this track? Why two stars, for one wrote a comment on one Instagram post and the distinct one liked another post. How would I knew that because of George Michael, Diane Warren and Mutya Buena (Sugababes) would interact on my social media in public mode? I don’t have a clue. The most prominent artists are always the most simple one. And this episode tells you what. Nothing was calculate... It was meant to be to be, I guess? Sincerely and in music BOUBOU😻 & Stephane
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Jan 11, 2020
23 min

First of all, if you feel what I felt like in this episode, please 🙏 call 911 🆘 It’s about my toxic relationship with my mother, my mum, the monster? Who gave me the origin. Yesterday evening 🌚 I needed to end my life. It wasn't sad at all, contrary. It was the perfect timing. After another, almost three hours of conversation, most the best judgment of my mother on everything I do, say, pay, another massive verbal attack of insults. Why do I have to listen to her? Because she gives me money 💵 every month and for that, she believes that she gets all the rights on me. If I am not taking her phone calls or answer immediately to her text messages, she calls right away an ambulance 🚨 After decades of this sordid blackmail; I took a lot of prescription drug 💊 and just left a note begging that BOUBOU😻 will be given to a person of my veterinary choices. And I’m still alive, why? It’s in the episode. In the last one, I told you that I didn't believe in God. Now I’m asking me serious questions? Because of what occurred and stopped the fact that I was in less than one minute taking this time, the right pills to finish what I began is entirely unrealistic but happened. Sincerely BOUBOU😻& Stephane🙏
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Jan 5, 2020
24 min

This last Monday of 2019, we woke up= barely open our eyes and the dark we found in our mobile phone archives, a piece of music, we composed BOUBOU😻& me called « The Ancients Are Back The Remix » done the 12/07/2018 at 11:57 p.m. Crap but ok! It gave us the idea to record immediately this episode: In Bed With BOUBOU, still in the dark, and with my voice which sounds dramatically chaotic, to be honest, I’m writing this description and I didn’t listen to what we just recorded. We don’t want filters or the episode to be edit. Like that it’s more real and spontaneous. Here you’ll find the beginning of the track I speak about before and at the end the full version. Behind: vampires, our religions or not? Stupid jokes, anecdotes about my childhood and parents, do we think there’s a God? And much more! Sincerely, BOUBOU😻 & Stephane
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Dec 30, 2019
21 min

30seconds of Shallow & many fragrances tips, perfumes bases, behind the marketing curtain & THE app!
A little bit more about us. And all our tips, advice, suggestions on true fragrances! Exposing the marketing about fragrance! Why you need pepper ( not powder, just five grains of black pepper) with you when you're going to buy perfumes, how to find your signature perfume and why you must get a free app about fragrances! Unbelievable!
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Dec 29, 2019
17 min

A more than 15 minutes introduction of us Glimpses of my life as a journalist, D.A, my skills in beauty, fashion, culture, the stars I met (From Patrice Chereau to Rihanna!), who is BOUBOU😻? My 15-year-old Sphynx cat blogger on social media, and names of creators we couldn't live without books or fragrances of them such as Lee Alexander McQueen, John Galliano, Serge Lutens and much besides. Our love for flowers, scented candles and real perfumes Our passion for haute couture, the Courtisanes, ( Courtesan or harlot or lady-in-waiting ) Cocottes, Demi-Mondaines or Muses or Spy like la Marchesa di Casati, La Païva or Mata-Hari and some anecdotes about them / I own the rights of the music you may hear in the background of my voice, by the Major Company Label ( in this case: Warner Classics worldwide) Excuse my French, please 🙏 give me your feedback, advice, tips, and everything you would like to talk about with BOUBOU😻 & I Sincerely BOUBOU😻THE Sphynx cat blogger on social media & Stephane
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/StephaneOSIAS/message
Dec 29, 2019
15 min