One Objective Bass Fishing
One Objective Bass Fishing
OneObjective Bass Fishing
Fun Fall Bass
53 minutes Posted Oct 16, 2016 at 6:00 pm.
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Josh and James will talk about why they love fishing during the fall. Also things they like to look for when they are trying to find fall bass. Then they will talk about how they like to catch them and their setups. We will also talk about cold fronts and how they can change everything. Also we are starting up our Fall/Winter tournaments this year. We will release the date for the first tournament also. Plus much more. We hope you enjoy the show. Josh and James will talk about why they love fishing during the fall. Also things they like to look for when they are trying to find fall bass. Then they will talk about how they like to catch them and their setups. We will also talk about cold fronts and how they can change everything. Also we are starting up our Fall/Winter tournaments this year. We will release the date for the first tournament also. Plus much more. We hope you enjoy the show.