In this episode of Once Upon A Crime, we delve into the horrific story of Christian Longo, a man who portrayed himself to his family, friends, and community as a devoted husband, loving father, and successful businessman while leading a double life. He lived a life of lies and deception. When he could no longer keep up the facade, he disposed of his old life in favor of a new one…by destroying his entire family. This is the second installment of the 'Deadly Dads' series, highlighting fathers who became nightmares for their families. 00:00 Introduction 01:32 The Discovery Of Bodies 03:06 Investigations and Christian Longo's Lies 06:09 Family Background and Financial Deception 09:38 A Life of Crime and On The Run 11:58 Final Crimes and Capture 17:05 Trial, Sentencing, and Aftermath Sources: State v. Longo, Filed Nov. 9, 2006, Supreme Court of the State of Oregon “The Journalist and the Murderer,” Michael Finkel, Vanity Fair Magazine, June 2005. “Longo Prosecutors Offer Motive,” Andrew Kramer, Associated Press, March 12, 2003 “The Pretender: The Case of Christian Longo”, 48 Hours, CBS News, Original air date May 31, 2005. Links: Patreon - www.patreon.com/onceuponacrime Our YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@OnceUponACrimePodcast
Jun 24, 2024
25 min

In this first episode of season 9 I’ll share the harrowing story of family annihilator, Ronald Gene Simmons. Known for his obsessive need for control and order, Simmons carried out a meticulously planned series of murders in December 1987, ultimately killing 14 of his family members and two others. This episode captures the disturbing details of his life, his manipulative and abusive behavior, and his final act of violent retaliation that led to his arrest, trial, and eventual execution in 1990. 00:00 Introduction to Family Annihilators 00:39 Case Overview: Ronald Gene Simmons 01:33 Early Life of Ronald Gene Simmons 07:16 Family Life and Military Career 22:09 Abuse and Control 38:32 Escalation and Mass Murder 44:05 Aftermath and Legal Proceedings 47:08 Conclusion Sources: “Zero at the Bone,” authors Bryce Marshall and Paul Williams, Pocket Star Books, New York, NY, 1991. https://archive.org/details/zeroatbone00mars/page/n5/mode/2up?view=theater https://murderpedia.org/male.S/s1/simmons-ronald-gene.htm https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/ronald-gene-simmons-3731/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362847782_Defending_Ronald_Gene_Simmons_A_Question_and_Answer_Session_with_Attorney_John_Harris Sponsor: Gabb Mobile - gabb.com/once Links: Patreon - www.patreon.com/onceuponacrime YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@OnceUponACrimePodcast/
Jun 17, 2024
48 min

We kick off the ninth season of Once Upon a Crime with an episode that dives into the chilling case of Michael Cummins, a 25-year-old from Westmoreland, Tennessee, who committed one of the state's most horrific mass murders. Cummins, who had a history of mental health issues and violent behavior, murdered eight people, including six family members, in 2019. 00:00 Celebrating a Milestone: 8 Years of Once Upon a Crime 00:47 Start of Season 9: Family Annihilators 01:35 Case Overview: Michael Cummins 02:11 Cummins' Troubled History 02:48 Escalating Violent Behavior 03:34 Cumulative Legal Troubles 06:27 Mental Health Struggles 07:37 2017-2019: Increased Violence and Arrests 14:26 The Massacre 19:29 Investigation and Capture 20:29 Trial and Sentencing 22:40 Community and Family Reactions 25:18 Concluding Remarks Resources: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2019/04/30/sumner-county-killings-micheal-cummins-family-victims/3622442002/ https://www.newschannel5.com/news/westmoreland-murder-suspect-armed-and-on-the-run https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2019/04/29/sumner-county-killings-who-suspect-michael-lee-cummins-tennessee-homicide-mass-murder/3609438002/ https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/brain-scans-of-tennessee-man-who-admits-to-killing-eight-convince-prosecutors-to-drop-death-penalty Sponsors: Lume: new customers get 15% using promo code: ONCE. www.lumedeodorant.com Links: Once Upon a Crime on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OnceUponACrimePodcast
Jun 10, 2024
28 min

In the final episode of Season Eight of 'Once Upon A Crime,’ I delve into the case of Robert Durst, a wealthy New York real estate heir with a mysterious and criminal past. His involvement in several crimes, including the disappearance of his wife Kathie in 1982, the execution-style murder of his friend Susan Berman in 2000, and the murder and dismemberment of his neighbor Morris Black in Galveston, Texas in 2001, was famously told in the HBO documentary series “The Jinx,” in 2015. “The Jinx, Part 2” was just released as a follow-up series this month on HBO MAX and concludes this weekend. In this final “Best Of” episode, we revisit my episode on Robert Durst from Season 6, in which I focused on Robert Durst’s involvement in the murder of Morris Black and examined how he was able to get away with murder. 00:00 Welcome to the Bonus Episode: A Season Finale Reflection 01:57 The Intriguing Case of Robert Durst: A True Crime Deep Dive 08:27 A More Casual Approach to Storytelling 10:15 The Bizarre and Gruesome Tale of Robert Durst in Galveston 18:36 Wrapping Up and Looking Ahead to Season Nine Links: Season 6, Episode 213: Getting Away with Murder - Robert Durst, https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/videos/episode-213-getting-away-with-murder-robert-durst/ Season 6, Episode 214: Getting Away with Murder - Doris Duke, https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s6-ep214-episode-214-getting-away-with-murder-doris-duke/ Season 6, Episode 215: Getting Away with Murder - Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick, https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s6-ep215-episode-215-getting-away-with-murder-ted-kennedy-and-chappaquiddick/ CrimeCon 2024: https://www.crimecon.com/ Use my discount code ONCE for 10% off your registration.
May 24, 2024
20 min

This month in Once Upon a Crime’s “Best Of” series, we highlight significant episodes as the podcast rounds off its eighth year. This week, I’ve chosen to revisit a story from 2018 about the serial murders of over 500 women in Juarez, Mexico, between 1993 and 2011. You’ll hear about the disturbing pattern of disappearances and murders of young women from that city. The episode also discusses the widespread negligence and victim-blaming by the police, the negative impacts of labeling women based on their employment and economic status, and the appalling cycle of violence that seemed permitted due to a lack of legal repercussions. 07:49 The Border City of Juarez 08:04 Impact of NAFTA on Juarez 10:06 Role of Women in Juarez 17:04 Victim Blaming and Police Negligence Links: Season 2, Episode 87: Last Stop: The Murdered Women of Juarez - https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s2-ep87-last-stop-diana-the-hunter-of-bus-drivers-and-the-murdered-women-of-juarez/ Let’s Taco ‘Bout True Crime: The Crime Junkie Plagiarism Scandal - https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/11008412 Patreon - www.patreon.com/onceuponacrime CrimeCon 2024 in Nashville: https://www.crimecon.com/CC24 Sponsors: Detective Perspective - Listen to Detective Perspective every Monday on all podcast platforms or watch on YouTube every Tuesday. Criminal Coffee - www.criminalcoffeeco.com - Use my discount code UPONACRIME10 for 10% off your order. A portion of every bag or box of coffee sold is donated to help solve crime!
May 20, 2024
19 min

This Best Of episode of Once Upon a Crime revisits the mysterious disappearance of Jeanine Sanchez Harms from Campbell, California, in 2001. This case is unique for a number of reasons, including its proximity to my hometown and studio and the shocking, unforeseeable conclusion. It also stands out due to its 'no body murder' status and complex detective work. Jeanine, recently divorced, goes missing after a night out involving a somewhat reluctant date and interaction with several individuals, including two men, Alex Wilson and Maurice Nasmeh. The community's efforts to keep the case in the public eye led to critical breakthroughs years later and ended in a shocking conclusion no one could have predicted. This episode is presented in a more personal, casual narration style, inviting listeners to delve into the intriguing, tragic mystery surrounding Janine Sanchez Harms. 05:49 The Disappearance of Janine Sanchez Harms: A Detailed Account 10:45 The Investigation Unfolds: Clues and Suspects 15:22 A Break in the Case: The Persian Rug Clue 16:01 Conclusion and Invitation to Explore More Links: Season 6, Episode 227: Murder in My Hometown: Jeanine Sanchez Harms - https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s6-ep227-murder-in-my-hometown-jeanine-sanchez-harms/ CrimeCon - Use promo code: ONCE for 10% off at https://www.crimecon.com/ Trova Trip Travel Survey - Click here to take our fun, 8-question travel survey. https://trovatrip.com/host/profiles/esther--fr746
May 17, 2024
17 min

This episode of 'Once Upon a Crime' revisits a popular series from Season 1 titled 'The Day the Music Died,' focusing on the tragic endings of musical icons, including Selena Quintanilla Perez. The episode explores Selena's rise to fame as a star in Tejano music, her groundbreaking achievements, and her untimely death at 23. Additionally, it delves into Selena's early life and career, her family's influence, the formation of Selena y Los Dinos, and her significant impact on Tejano and pop music. The episode also covers her troubled relationship with Yolanda Saldivar, who was convicted of embezzling from Selena’s businesses and ultimately responsible for her tragic death.
May 13, 2024
13 min

In the final series for season eight of Once Upon A Crime, we provide a retrospective look at the most compelling episodes from the show's archive, particularly highlighting those that newer listeners might have missed. This episode revisits the story of Betty Broderick from Season 1, part of the 'A Woman Scorned' series, which delves into crimes committed by women against their romantic partners. Betty Broderick's tumultuous marriage, marked by jealousy, arguments, and ultimately, her husband's infidelity with his younger secretary, spirals out of control, leading to tragic consequences. This is one of our most downloaded episodes about a female killer and the most viewed on Once Upon a Crime’s YouTube channel. You can listen to the other episodes of “A Woman Scorned,” which feature notable cases such as Jodi Arias and Clara Harris. Links are provided below. To listen to the entire episode, click on this link. - https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s1-ep42-a-woman-scorned-betty-broderick/ A Woman Scorned - Jodi Arias - Part 1 and 2: https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s1-ep43-a-woman-scorned-jodi-arias-part-1/ https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s1-ep43-a-woman-scorned-jodi-arias-part-1/ A Woman Scorned - Clara Harris: https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s1-ep45-a-woman-scorned-murder-by-mercedes/ Links: Thrive Market—thrivemarket.com/once—When you become a member, you can get 30% off your first order PLUS a free gift up to $60! Patreon - patreon.com/onceuponacrime Trova Trip - Take our travel survey and get ready to travel with me! https://trovatrip.com/host/profiles/esther--fr746
May 10, 2024
16 min

We’re wrapping up Season 8 on the way to Once Upon a Crime’s 9th birthday! We’re sharing six of our “Best Of” Episodes from the archives to celebrate eight years of true crime podcasting. First up, you’ll hear a clip from one of our most popular episodes released as discussions with everyone’s favorite co-host, my sister, Yolanda. We’ll break down the O.J. Simpson case with details you may not have heard before. Links: Season 6: Episode 225: Breaking Down the O.J. Simpson Case with Yolanda - https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s6-ep225-breaking-down-the-oj-simpson-case-with-yolanda/ Season 3: Episode 115: The Darlie Routier Case w/Yolanda - https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s3-ep115-the-darlie-routier-case-with-guest-co-host-yolanda-from-not-perfect-or-functional-podcast/ Season 2: Episodes 71 and 72: The 12 Crimes of Christmas - Laci Peterson, Parts 1 and 2 - https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s2-ep71-the-12-crimes-of-christmas-laci-peterson-part-1/ https://www.truecrimepodcast.com/s2-ep71-the-12-crimes-of-christmas-laci-peterson-part-1/ Sponsors: Lume - www.lumedeodorant.com - Use code ONCE for 15% off your first purchase. Crimecon - https://www.crimecon.com/ - Use code ONCE for 10% your ticket. Patreon - Become an OUAC super fan. Starting at $2 a month. https://www.patreon.com/OnceUponACrime
May 6, 2024
25 min

In the last chapter of the series “Manipulated to Murder,” I’ll share a story about a predator who hid behind a false identity to manipulate young and impressionable teens into committing the senseless murder of a vulnerable young woman. Sources: https://law.alaska.gov/press/releases/2024/011124-Schilmiller.html https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6154251/Schilmiller-Court-Docs-061419.pdf https://lawandcrime.com/crime/catfished-killer-takes-plea-deal-in-2019-death-of-best-friend-murdered-in-exchange-for-9m-from-fake-millionaire/ https://law.alaska.gov/press/releases/2024/021224-Brehmer.html https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/content/news/Who-is-accused-killer-Darin-Schilmiller-Cynthia-Hoffman-murder-suspect-511444111.html https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/crime-courts/2023/07/13/indiana-man-pleads-guilty-to-child-porn-charge-linked-to-anchorage-teens-killing-in-catfishing-scheme/ https://medium.com/the-legal-beagle/astonishing-case-in-the-unusual-murder-by-denali-brehmer-of-best-friend-beginning-with-social-media-b6ad8c827830 https://www.the-sun.com/news/10406051/cynthia-hoffman-murder-hire-plot-denali-brehmer-sentenced/ Links: Our Website - www.truecrimepodcast.com Travel with me! Click on the link to take a 2-minute survey to help me plan our first adventure! https://trovatrip.com/host/profiles/esther--fr746 www.crimecon.com - Get your tickets for CrimeCon 2024 in Nashville happening May 31 to June 2. Use my discount code ONCE for 10% off your registration! Dr. Phil interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCBOXtwHVg4&ab_channel=Dr.Phil
Apr 29, 2024
24 min
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