On the Verge: From Inspiration to Incarnation Podcast

On the Verge: From Inspiration to Incarnation

Corey Schlosser-Hall
What are you 'On the Verge' of? How do everyday people turn inspiration into incarnation? Hosted by Corey Schlosser-Hall, "On the Verge" is a series of conversations with people who take great ideas and turn them into something real!
Corey Schlosser-Hall - Turning the Tables
We turn the tables on our host, Corey Schlosser-Hall, to celebrate his 15 years of ministry in the Northwest Coast Presbytery and to find out what HE is "On the Verge" of next! Our guest host, Rev. Doug Bunnell, asks all of the questions Corey has posed to our previous guests...and a few more!
Feb 2, 2022
43 min
Corey Schlosser-Hall Fan Club
Guest hosts, Revs. Doug Bunnell and John Mason, share a David Letterman style Top Ten List of things we love about Corey Schlosser-Hall, our host of "On the Verge" as he transitions to an exciting new role with the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Feb 2, 2022
21 min
Kristi & Grant Gustafson - VERGE 2021 Preview
"We are on the verge of learning how redemptive and restorative our unity can be!" Kristi and Grant Gustafson are passionate about unity--particularly about seeing individuals and communities reconciled first to God, and then to one another. We're excited to have them share with us at VERGE 2021!
Sep 30, 2021
26 min
Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim VERGE 2021 Preview
Energizing speaker, prolific writer, theologian, and host of the Madang podcast, Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim will be speaking at VERGE 2021 and challenging us to consider thinking of ministry as intercultural….during and after the pandemic!
Sep 27, 2021
26 min
Chanda Rule - VERGE 2021 Preview
Chanda Rule--an accomplished vocalist, vocal coach, storyteller, and writer--welcomes us to "drop in" to the moment as she leads us in song and worship at VERGE 2021 all the way from Vienna, Austria.
Sep 23, 2021
22 min
Dr. David Campt - VERGE 2021 Preview
Known as the Dialog Guy, Dr. David Campt formed The Dialog Company in 2018 out of his passion to help people work better together, especially in the stickiest issues of the day—like race and privilege, and he is our keynote speaker at VERGE 2021 on October 9th. Enjoy this teaser conversation with Dr. David Campt!
Sep 21, 2021
19 min
Chris Hoke - VERGE 2021 Invitation
Chris Hoke--Director of Underground Ministries, Commissioned Pastor at Mount Vernon PC, and one of this year's keynote speakers at VERGE 2021--invites, encourages, and challenges us to "Think Again!"
Sep 17, 2021
11 min
Matt and Denise McCoy on an Adventure of Faith
What do you get when you cross a tar heel girl from North Carolina with a boy from big hat Texas? An adventure of faith with Dennis and Matt McCoy! While pursuing a vocation in business startup and real estate development, their family and small group said to Matt, “We think you need to become a pastor.” The McCoy’s eventually settled in Bellingham, WA where today they are two years into a creative new church expression called Spring Church, Bellingham. If you ever wondered what Jane Fonda has to do with faith and embracing new forms of church, this "On the VERGE" conversation is just for you!
Aug 26, 2021
34 min
Sarah Moore-Nokes on Helping People Think Differently
Sarah Moore-Nokes--pastor, coach, and consultant--shares her love of helping people to think and act differently and her fierce commitment to the common good. Having recently transitioned from serving as Associate and General Presbyter for Winnebago Presbytery, Sarah is now intentionally resting, pursuing her hobbies, and working on an innovative and practical proposal for restorative actions.
Aug 11, 2021
32 min
Andrea Perrett on Doing the Thing You Can't NOT Do
Andrea Perrett shares her passion for encouraging others to lean into their vocation and pursue where God is calling them to imagine and build the church. Her pioneering spirit is contagious as she reflects and marvels at how God has called her through deep holy restlessness and doing the thing she can't NOT do.
Jul 28, 2021
37 min
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