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This week, John Federico (@gadgetboy) and Chia-Lin Simmons (@chialinsimmons) talk about the latest news in digital media and what it means for you.You can send comments and questions to [email protected]. We try to answer everything you send "on air."Visit to subscribe to the podcast. While you're there, be sure to subscribe to our announcements list via email.Follow us on Twitter at @ondigitalmedia.Subscribe to the YouTube channel.* It's Official: Apple and Facebook Are Phone Companies Now* Facebook buys 'Move' fitness tracking app for Apple's iPhone* By buying Moves, Facebook acquires high-value passive location technology* Facebook launches a newswire so it can help the media — while it competes with them* Google Glass Just Lost Its Biggest Cheerleader* Google agrees to defend Samsung, pay some of its costs in patent infringement case against Apple* F.C.C., in a Shift, Backs Fast Lanes for Web Traffic* When it comes to net neutrality, either the FCC thinks we’re idiots, or it just doesn’t care* Amazon Revenue Up 23% On Tripling In Prime Video Usage* Amazon adds HBO shows to Prime Instant Video; HBO Go coming to Fire TV at some point* The FyreTV Porn Streamer Maker Is Suing Amazon For Trademark Infringement* In Aereo, Supreme Court Rightly Skeptical About Becoming Technology Regulators* EFF Case Against Personal Audio Podcasting Patent Trolls in good shape* Nike fires majority of FuelBand team, will stop making wearable hardware