Oil 101 - An Introduction to Oil and Gas Podcast

Oil 101 - An Introduction to Oil and Gas

EKT Interactive
Oil 101 - The Oil and Gas Learning Podcast. Oil 101 is the first podcast to focus on topics relevant to those who are looking to learn more about the oil and gas industry. Whether new to oil and gas, looking to get started in the industry, or someone just looking to learn more about their profession. In this podcast we will discuss the fundamental segments of the oil and gas industry - Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream. We then drill down further into specific functions including Exploration, Drilling, Production (E&P), Natural Gas, Refining, Supply and Trading, and Petroleum Product Marketing. After covering these key functions of oil and gas, we get into our 'What is..?' segment where we discuss topics such as, 'What is Upstream vs Downstream'. We look forward to being an integral part of your oil and gas training and a key to lifelong learning in this dynamic and complex industry.
Oil 101 - What is Downstream?
What is Downstream? In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss the fundamentals of the Downstream segment of the oil and gas industry. Key Downstream business sectors include refining, supply and trading, and marketing. In this 8-minute podcast, we will discuss: What is Downstream? Characteristics of the Downstream segment of the [...]
Jul 18, 2020
8 min
Oil 101 – Conventional vs Unconventional Resources
Conventional vs Unconventional Resources In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will briefly discuss the key differences between conventional and unconventional resources as they pertain to oil and gas drilling and production. In this 3.5-minute podcast, we will discuss: Conventional oil and gas exploration Unconventional oil and gas exploration Examples of unconventional [...]
Jul 17, 2020
3 min
Oil 101 - What is Midstream?
What is Midstream? In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss the fundamentals of the Midstream segment of the oil and gas industry. If Upstream is all about the wells, Midstream is all about processing, moving, and storing the produced oil and gas. In this 13-minute podcast, we will discuss: What [...]
Jul 15, 2020
13 min
Oil 101 – What is Natural Gas?
Oil 101 – What is Natural Gas? The first 10 episodes of the Oil 101 podcast have covered the ‘Microbes to Markets’ journey of getting hydrocarbons out of the ground, converting them to useful products, and bringing them to consumers. Now we turn to the ‘What is…?’ portion of Oil 101. We started with the [...]
Jul 10, 2020
6 min
Oil 101 – Nelson Complexity Index
What is the Nelson Complexity Index? In this brief 2-minute podcast, we discuss the Nelson Complexity Index as it pertains to refinery complexity in downstream oil and gas. Listen to Oil 101 – Nelson Complexity Index below or view all Oil 101 podcast episodes: Thanks for listening to the EKT Interactive Oil and Gas Podcast Network. [...]
Jul 10, 2020
2 min
Oil 101 - What is Upstream?
What is Upstream? In this first episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss the fundamentals of the Upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. Upstream is all about the wells, but first you have to figure out where to drill. In this 12-minute podcast, we will discuss: What is Upstream Oil [...]
Jul 1, 2020
9 min
Oil 101 – What is OPEC?
In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss the origin of OPEC and what roll they play in the oil markets today. In this 4-minute podcast, we will discuss: What is OPEC? What led to OPEC’s formation? Who are OPEC members? How has US shale production affected OPEC? Listen to Oil [...]
Mar 13, 2017
3 min
Oil 101 – Contango Vs Backwardation
In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss the difference between contango and backwardation. The shape of the oil price curve has many implications in trading, storage plays, and physical investments. In this 3-minute podcast, we will discuss: What is contango How contango influences storage trades What is backwardation Thanks for listening [...]
Mar 13, 2017
3 min
Oil 101 – What Are NGLs
In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss Natural Gas Liquids. Raw natural gas produced at the wellhead contains various heavier hydrocarbons that can be liquefied into condensate and removed from the natural gas stream. These are called natural gas liquids or NGLs In this 4-minute podcast, we will discuss: What are [...]
Oct 7, 2016
3 min
Oil 101 – What Are Reserves?
In this episode of the Oil 101 podcast series, we will discuss what determines reportable reserves in an oil and gas company’s balance sheet. In this 3-minute podcast, we will discuss: Oil and gas reserves Proven and probable reserves US and International reporting requirements Listen to Oil 101 – What Are Reserves? below: Thanks for [...]
May 25, 2016
3 min
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