Ogre Plays Games Podcast

Ogre Plays Games

Ogre Plays Games has a very simple philosophy. Everyone can play games. Everyone should play more games. Everyone should play more games than just D&D & Pathfinder. The format is a “Let's Play” podcast with more of a radio play focus. Along side the actual playing of the game, rules will be discussed and character creation gone over in depth. Also to heighten the atmosphere, sound effects and music are added to make the game feel more alive while listening. The podcast involves performers of various skills and experiences playing a pen and paper role playing game for you, the audience. Three-Four players will create detailed characters for the game world and act out what their characters say and do to create a fun and entertaining story together.
EP. 9 - Dungeon Planet (Battle Between The Worlds) Part 3
Join The Ogre as he runs Joe Fulgham, Morgan Grubb, Gregory Milne, and Johnstone Metzger through the pulp space adventure game "Dungeon Planet: Battle Between The Worlds" by Johnstone Metzger.  
Mar 15, 2017
1 hr 41 min
EP. 8 - Dungeon Planet (Battle Between The Worlds) Part 2
Join The Ogre as he runs Joe Fulgham, Morgan Grubb, Gregory Milne, and Johnstone Metzger through the pulp space adventure game "Dungeon Planet: Battle Between The Worlds" by Johnstone Metzger.  
Mar 15, 2017
32 min
EP. 7 - Dungeon Planet (Battle Between The Worlds) Part 1
Join The Ogre as he runs Joe Fulgham, Morgan Grubb, Gregory Milne, and Johnstone Metzger through the pulp space adventure game "Dungeon Planet: Battle Between The Worlds" by Johnstone Metzger.
Aug 13, 2016
1 hr 31 min
EP. 6 Ogre Talks Games "Call of Catthulhu"
Ogre Talks Games, hosted by Gregory Milne is our recap show where we interview our gaming guests about their previous rpg experiences and afterthoughts on the game they played. Join the cast of "Call of Catthulhu" as they talk about the game! But before the talk, enjoy a special improv song by cast member Jennifer Jordan!
Feb 29, 2016
42 min
EP. 5 - Call of Catthulhu Part 2
In this episode The Ogre continues "Call of Catthulhu" by "Mr." Joel Sparks. featuring Rees Haynes Taizo Ellis, Jennifer Jordan, Meeshelle Neal, & Brent Burby as take on the roll of run of the mill house cats trying to solve a lovecraftian mystery.  
Jan 31, 2016
1 hr 16 min
EP. 4 - Call of Catthulhu Part 1
In this episode The Ogre runs "Call of Catthulhu " by "Mr." Joel Sparks. Rees Haynes Taizo Ellis, Jennifer Jordan, Meeshelle Neal, & Brent Burby take on the roll of run of the mill house cats trying to solve a lovecraftian style mystery.
Jan 2, 2016
1 hr 9 min
EP. 3 Ogre Talks Games "Kagematsu"
Ogre Talks Games, hosted by Gregory Milne is our recap show where we interview our gaming guests about their previous rpg experiences and afterthoughts on the game they played. Join the cast of "Kagematsu" as they talk about their adventures!
Nov 13, 2015
52 min
EP. 2 - Kagematsu Part 2
In this episode we continue our game of "Kagematsu" by Danielle Lewon. The Ogre (Matthew Seagle) moderates Erik Donley, Rees Haynes, and Shaun Stewart as they continue with their seduction of Nikki Zuko as the "ugly handsome" Kagematsu.
Nov 5, 2015
42 min
EP. 1 - Kagematsu Part 1
Welcome to Ogre Plays Games! In our inaugural episode, The Ogre (Matthew Seagle) moderates "Kagematsu", a narrative driven, rules light romance game with a gender swapping twist. Join Nikki Zuko, Erik Donley, Rees Haynes, and Shaun Stewart as they learn and play the game.
Oct 16, 2015
52 min