Off Paper Podcast

Off Paper

Joseph Choi
A show about identity, duality, and everyday people
Been A Long Time Gone
Reese Hawkins: business analyst, improv comedian, musician, Reddit-famous, and small-time renegade. On this episode I interview a man who, three years ago, effectively disappeared from his small Kentucky town to start a new life in Nashville. He posted his story on Reddit a few months ago and received a fairly large response from readers. He […]
May 16, 2018
1 hr 10 min
Mrs. Turnblad Goes To Stonewall
Yael: actor, student, woman. For the first episode I interviewed Yael, a 20-year-old student and actor studying in Alabama. To the public she presents as a cisgender man, when in reality she is a transgender woman. We discuss her gender identity and how it may not align with her chosen profession at times. Having played […]
May 9, 2018
47 min
Hi, I’m Joseph Choi and this is Off Paper. I made this podcast to explore the nature of all the identities we can have. Each episode I will be interviewing people with alter egos, second lives, and complex history. I decided to call this podcast Off Paper because I feel there are so many aspects of who we […]
May 3, 2018
2 min