Occult Science Radio
Occult Science Radio
How To Stop Self Sabotage
1 hour 35 minutes Posted Mar 21, 2014 at 5:00 pm.
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Show notes
Na'im Najied Returns:


Why do we sabotage our lives?


In this show, we will discover why we sabotage our:







Questions we will address


What is the root cause of our self-destructive behavior?


Why do we have drama and stress and pain?

 Discover what may be holding you back from accomplishing your goals

What is the culprit behind conflict in our



Personal lives?

What is stifling our dreams from coming to fruition?

What is holding back on growth and development?


Is there a part of ourselves that cause a lot of our drama stress and pain?


What is it called?


How do we identify and counteract this?



In this program, we will explore:


How to reduce and eliminate stress in practical ways

How to experience more peace in our relationships and lives

How to get past the psychological blocks that are holding us back from becoming our best selves



To have a workable solution, we must have an intimate understanding of the problem.

Especially when the problem exists in our own minds.

When we know exactly

WHAT is causing the problem,

WHY it is causing the problem, and

HOW it is causing the problem…

We are able to implement the perfect solution