Acts 27
Obedience to God does not guarantee the absence of problems, but hope and peace in the storm.
Ed Rocha
Mar 1, 2021
35 min

Acts 25 & 26
Before Paul is transported from Caesarea to Rome to appeal before Caesar, he once again shares his testimony, and urges his hearers to turn from their sins. How can we use what God has done in our lives to urge others to trust Him?
Mitch Marczewski
Feb 21, 2021
38 min

Acts 24
In this passage, two different men take two different approaches when addressing the Roman Governor. One approach is godly; the other is worldly.
Pastor Chris Lawson
Feb 14, 2021
39 min

Acts 22:30-23:35
An exposed plot to kill the Apostle Paul results in his being transported by military convoy to Caesarea... just as God ordained.
Pastor Chris Lawson
Feb 7, 2021
38 min

Acts 21:31-22:29
Paul, after being beaten and chained, answers his earthly accusers with heavenly poise.
Pastor Chris Lawson
Feb 1, 2021
39 min

Acts 21:1-36
In light of his imminent, future arrest, Paul’s friends warn him not to go to Jerusalem. While their pleas are understandable, we must note: It is possible to have godly intentions, while giving earthly advice.
Pastor Chris Lawson
Jan 24, 2021
41 min

Acts 1-20
A review of our series in the book of Acts: 20 verses to "tell the story" of the first 20 chapters.
Ed Rocha
Jan 17, 2021
34 min

John 8:31-47
Christ's words were moving to some people, but unfortunately this belief was short lived. Jesus makes this grand declaration that those who abide in his word are truly his disciples and they shall know the truth and the truth will set them free.
Mitch Marczewski
Jan 10, 2021
33 min

Matthew 18:15-20
In a passage that teaches us how to respond when we are sinned against, we also learn a bit about what constitutes a church and what it means to be a part of one.
Pastor Chris Lawson
Jan 3, 2021
38 min

Colossians 1:15-23
Advent reminds us that Jesus is Creator, Sustainer, Savior, and Master over all things. He is worthy of our utmost praise and obedience.
Chris Lawson
Dec 28, 2020
38 min
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