Pam gets her hair did then gives us a lecture on lectins. Hope you like beans!Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Jan 31, 2024
53 min

HEY it's been a while. We've been busy but we're back with Kate sharing a tale of the origins of food labeling (people die) while Pam has beef with a news article. Follow us on our new Instagram! @nutritionindiscretionsSend your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Oct 19, 2023
52 min

Kate needs to air out some extra thoughts on B12 on our first minisode. Have a little taste of B12, please. Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Sep 1, 2023
15 min

The ladies get REAL SORE over a trendy fiber gimmick. It's fiber-o'clock in this house. References:Brum et al (2016). Satiety effects of psyllium in healthy volunteers. Appetite. Accessed: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666316301738?via%3Dihub#sec5Dibaba, D.(2019). Effect of vitamin D supplementation on serum lipid profiles: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Reviews. https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/77/12/890/5549277?login=false#186690339Gulati, S. Misra, A., Pandey, R.(2017). Effects of 3g soluble fiber from oats on lipid levels of Asian Indians- a randomized controlled, parallel arm study. Lipids in Health. https://lipidworld.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12944-017-0460-3Jacobson et al (2015): National Lipid Association Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia: Part 1—Full Report https://www.lipidjournal.com/article/S1933-2874(15)00059-8/fulltextJovanovski et al (2019). Should Viscous Fiber Supplements Be Considered in Diabetes Control? Results From a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Diabetes Care. https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/42/5/755/40520/Should-Viscous-Fiber-Supplements-Be-Considered-inLeech, J. Healthline: Good fiber, bad fiber- how different types affect you. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/different-types-of-fiber#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3Pal et al (2010). The effect of a fibre supplement compared to a healthy diet on body composition, lipids, glucose, insulin and other metabolic syndrome risk factors in overweight and obese individuals. British Journal of Nutrition. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/effect-of-a-fiber-supplement-compared-to-a-healthy-diet-on-body-composition-lipids-glucose-insulin-and-other-metabolic-syndrome-risk-factors-in-overweight-and-obese-individuals/DDE90317EE5D477C1E0594B6E2B1AA79Harvard University Health Services. main_fiber-content-foods-in-common-portions-chart-harvard-university-health-services%20(3).pdfRamos Et al (2011).The role of soluble fiber intake in patients under highly effective lipid-lowering therapy. Nutrition Journal. https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-2891-10-80https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464621002541Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Jul 30, 2023
1 hr 31 min

Our scurvy lot sails the high seas and the ladies give producer Bill a microphone for some reason. References: Drouin Godin JR, Pagé B. The genetics of vitamin C loss in vertebrates. Curr Genomics. 2011 Aug;12(5):371-8. doi: 10.2174/138920211796429736. PMID: 22294879; PMCID: PMC3145266.Price, Catherine. Vitamania: How Vitamins Revolutionized the Way We Think About Food. Penguin Books. 373 Hudson Street, New York, New York. 2015. Wagner, Henry R. Spanish Voyages to the Northwest Coast of America in the Sixteenth Century. California Historical Society, San Francisco. 1929. Carpenter, Kenneth, J. The Discovery of Vitamin C. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2012. 2012;61:259–264. DOI: 10.1159/000343121Cuppage, Francis E. Scurvy's Conquest and Sailors' Health. The Historian. Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Summer, 1995, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 695-702 Stable URL:https://www.jstor.org/stable/24449255George, Andrew. How the British defeated Napoleon with citrus fruit. Theconversation.com. https://theconversation.com/how-the-british-defeated-napoleon-with-citrus-fruit-58826. Accessed May 27, 2023. National institutes of health. Office of dietary supplements. Vitamin C Fact sheet for professionals. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-HealthProfessional/ Updated March 26, 202, accessed May 27, 2023Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Jun 30, 2023
59 min

Irritable Bowel Syndrome makes its foul debut on the podcast when Kate and Pam go TMI on IBS. Reference List:Irritable Bowel Syndromehttps://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(97)05276-8.pdfhttps://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/what-is-ibd/ibs-vs-ibdPerformance of a new molecular assay for the detection of gastrointestinal pathogenshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7660239/SIBO, IBS & The New 3-Gas SIBO Breath Test with Dr. Mark Pimentel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaDGzhsdA2oCalprotectin Fecal Testhttps://www.testing.com/tests/calprotectin/#:~:text=An%20elevated%20calprotectin%20level%20is,the%20severity%20of%20the%20inflammation.Irritable Bowel Syndrome Subtypes: New Names for Old Medical Conditionshttps://www.karger.com/article/FullText/505287Mapping the Segmental Microbiomes in the Human Small Bowel in Comparison with Stool:A REIMAGINE Studyhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32140945/Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
May 22, 2023
1 hr 16 min

Kate and Pam get bubbly when they discuss everyone's favorite anti-nutrient: alcohol! References:https://melnickmedicalmuseum.com/2010/04/07/medicinal-alcohol-and-prohibition/#:~:text=It%20became%20known%20as%20the,the%20pharmacy%20or%20the%20physician.https://vinepair.com/wine-blog/how-wine-bricks-saved-the-u-s-wine-industry-during-prohibition/https://medium.com/the-wine-dream/lockdown-day-34-did-you-know-grape-bricks-34f635634da1https://napavintners.com/napa_valley/history.aspA Brief History of Pharmacy: Humanity’s search for wellness. Bob Zabroskihttps://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/Volstead_Act.htm#:~:text=The%20National%20Prohibition%20Act%2C%20better,the%20limit%20at%202.5%20percent. Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Apr 30, 2023
50 min

In the debut episode, Kate and Pam discuss fact versus fiction on the impact of diet on interstitial cystitis after a doctor's visit goes sideways. References:Friedlander, J., Shorter, B., Moldwin, R. (2012) Diet and its role in interstitial cystitis/ bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) and comorbid conditions. BJU International. https://web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=0&sid=df0a7493-d80d-4b0a-947a-30a7ffa754e2%40redisInterstitial Cystitis Association. https://www.ichelp.org/understanding-ic/diet/https://www.ichelp.org/understanding-ic/diet/how-diet-can-trigger-ic-flares/Gordon, B.; Blanton, C.; Ramsey, R.; Jeffery, A.; Richey, L.; Hulse, R. Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Women with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: The AID-IC Pilot Study. Methods Protoc. 2022, 5, 40. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/mps5030040Send your RD and nutrition questions to [email protected] and maybe the ladies will discuss! All emails get read!Hosts:Nutrition Indiscretions: @nutritionindiscretionsKate Walker MDA, RDN, LDN, CSG: IG @rd_silliesPam Moriarty MS, RDN, LDN, CPT: IG @renalove__rd @desird_healthBill Horrigan: IG @teamhorrigan
Apr 30, 2023
37 min