Not Wasting Time Podcast

Not Wasting Time

Not Wasting Time
Podcast by Not Wasting Time
Episode 9 - Mayor Brandt Rydell
Join me as I sit down with Mayor Brandt Rydell, who is also currently up for re-election in District 3. Today we'll talk about his vision for the future of Taylor, the History of our town, and lots of other interesting topics! Thanks for Listening!
Apr 20, 2021
58 min
Episode 8 - Robert Garcia
This week we welcome Robert Garcia onto the show. Robert is the District 4 City Councilman for Taylor. We'll go over his life and what the future holds for Taylor.
Apr 12, 2021
48 min
Episode 7 - Matthew Rector
Today we welcome Matthew Rector on the show! We'll talk about what led Matthew to Taylor after a life that took him all over the world. We'll also discuss his run for Taylor City Council, and much more! Thanks for Tuning In!
Mar 27, 2021
40 min
Episode 6 - Gerald Jones
Hey Everyone, welcome to "Not Wasting Time" Episode 6. If you're from Taylor, chances are you know Coach Jones. We'll be talking about his experiences after coaching in Taylor for 37 years. Thanks for listening!
Dec 18, 2020
39 min
Episode 5 - Moppy Miller
Hey Everyone, welcome to "Not Wasting Time" Episode 5. Our guest this week is Moppy Miller, we'll be talking her role in the TEE Foundation and all things Taylor. Moppy has been in education for a large portion of her life and is currently the head of the TEE Foundation.
Dec 11, 2020
1 hr 3 min
Episode 4 - Dwayne Ariola
Hey Everyone, welcome to "Not Wasting Time" Episode 4. Our guest this week is Dwayne Ariola, we'll be talking about all things Taylor. Dwayne has held many positions of leadership throughout community and is currently a member of the Taylor City Council. Enjoy!
Dec 3, 2020
40 min
Episode 3 - Damaris Taylor
Hey Everyone, welcome to "Not Wasting Time" Episode 3. Our guest this week is Damaris Taylor, we'll be talking about mental health and mental illness. Damaris has held many positions of leadership throughout various ministries and is currently the Pastoral Resident at Mission Hills Church. Enjoy!
Nov 25, 2020
51 min
Episode 2 - Jim Buzan
Hey Everyone, welcome to "Not Wasting Time" Episode 2! This podcast is about me, Ryan Schneider, interviewing various members from my community on a wide variety of topics. Our guest this week is Jim Buzan, Jim is the newly elected school board member of Taylor ISD. Enjoy!
Nov 20, 2020
37 min
Episode 1 - Brady Collier
Hey Everyone, welcome to "Not Wasting Time" Episode 1. This podcast is about me, Ryan Schneider, interviewing various members from my community on a wide variety of topics. Our first guest is Brady Collier, Brady is the lead Pastor at FBC Taylor. Enjoy!
Nov 11, 2020
49 min