Nonprofit Ally Podcast
Nonprofit Ally Podcast
Steve Vick: Nonprofit Social Media Strategist, Content Creator and Blogger
NPA 071: Increase Your Online Engagement
58 minutes Posted Oct 12, 2017 at 9:35 am.
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How do you use your website? Is it a simple page with basic information about your mission, your services and a contact page? Do you have a blog? Do people comment on your blog? Do you have “landing pages” that encourage visitors to “opt-in” for resource?

How do you use your website?

Most websites are what I call “Brochure” sites. They have basic information about an organization (home, about, services) and a contact page. This is a good start. But if you want visitors to engage with your organization online (sign up for newsletters, volunteer, donate, read advocacy related news) then your website has to be optimized for engagement and conversions.

This is what we talk about with Barbara Carneiro, from Word Revolution is a wed design company that specialized in helping ministries and religious based organizations delivery online messages to new and returning audiences.

Barbara shares her insight about how to engage your audience and then, more importantly, convert your visitors to donors, volunteers and advocates.

If you have a website, and you want to start using it to increase your nonprofits awareness, then this is a great podcast to listing to.


Just visit Barbara’s website for more information.


The post NPA 071: Increase Your Online Engagement first appeared on Nonprofit Ally.