In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Rodney Block. Rod has spent the last 25+ years of his career across the consumer electronics and video game industries with the last 6 years at GoPro as a Senior Director of Sales and Marketing for the APAC region. In this episode of None Of My Business we discuss:Falling into the game software industrySelling the first DOOM and WOLFENSTEIN games in AustraliaPro's and Con's of work travelWorking for a brand like GoProAdjustments after redundancyNone Of My Business is an Australian podcast hosted by Michael Jackett. With the aim of having more meaningful conversations, this podcast invites guests onto the show to curiously dig through their current and past experiences as employees, managers or business owners to understand what they have learnt along the way and how that knowledge is guiding them today. Sometimes these conversations are strictly business, but ideally, they go further than that and we get to know a bit more about who our guests are and what they bring personally to these businesses. Instagram: @noneof_mybusiness
Oct 5, 2020
40 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Daniel Peou. Dan and I went to high school together so this one is a bit of a trip down memory lane. Dan is currently working with Academy Xi as an Outcomes Producer, which as he puts it, is a 'tech-industry' title for someone that is a natural networker and connects students with potential job opportunities.
Academy Xi delivers tech and design-focused online courses giving people the skills to future proof their careers.
Sep 21, 2020
52 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Chris Wilesmith. Chris is currently the CEO of MItre10 in New Zealand, although he has spent the last 20+ years in a range of executive leadership roles across the retail industry.
Chris has to be one of the most humble and genuine leaders I have spoken to and in this episode, we discuss some defining moments in his career from being part of a business like Super Cheap Auto to the advice he has received from mentors.
This will be one of those episodes I can see myself going back and listening to more than once as Chris shares some great advice and wisdom!
Sep 14, 2020
46 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Kane Bowden. Kane has dedicated most of his working life to others through the work he has done within organisations from the Lighthouse Foundation supporting young people, to the Council To Homeless Persons and now as Managing Director of the Killara Foundation, which provides young Aboriginal workers with housing and mentoring support.
Kane is one of the most genuine people you will meet and it was fascinating to hear the influence of his family growing up. In particular the influence of his dad, Michael Bowden, who clearly had an important impact on those that came into his life.
Sep 7, 2020
38 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by David Knoff. Dave has had a very unique career from peacekeeping in the Solomon Islands to working within DFAT in Pakistan, he is currently the Station Leader at the Davis Station on Antarctica and shares some great experiences while traveling the world in these roles.
Follow Dave on his Instagram account @button_film to see some amazing photos of his time down in Antarctica.
Aug 31, 2020
49 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Sacha Koffman. Sacha is one of the more personable people you will meet and his experience across talent management and coaching shows in this honest and open chat about the ups and downs within his career.
While dealing with the loss of his mum to cancer in his mid 20's, Sacha clearly learnt from that experience and impact on his career and has gone on to work across a number of major management and finance businesses in Australia. He is a two-time company founder with his latest pursuit, Build Labour, a tech startup supporting blue-collar workers.
I loved this chat with Sacha and look forward to a follow-up episode down the track.
Aug 26, 2020
49 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Isabelle Legrigore. Issy currently works as the Nurse Manager of the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Monash Hospital.
While nursing is currently getting the attention and praise it deserves due to COVID-19, it generally flys under the radar as a profession and service to the community. Even though I have known Issy for so long, I have never sat down and talked to her in-depth about what she does in this space.
Issy has a very bright and infections personality and I loved hearing about what she brings to her role in the Health Care system, particularly in an area that as a parent, is filled with heartbreaking situations on a daily basis.
Aug 24, 2020
49 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Will Randles. Will has worked in the banking and finance industry for the majority of his career with experience at NAB and S&P Global and interestingly worked as a contractor for a lot of that time. Will now finds himself running a business that provides finance to the hospitality industry specifically around coffee machinery.
Aug 17, 2020
49 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Nathan Loutit. Nathan graduated out of the same university course as I did - Industrial Design, albeit with much better grades!! He has gone on to start and close his own business while also lecturing at the university and most recently had a career change into the property industry.
Aug 10, 2020
59 min

In this episode of None Of My Business, I'm joined by Simon Chapman. Chappy's had an impressive career across the digital media landscape and not surprisingly to those who know him dabbled in the comedy writing space along the way. Chappy is someone who always brings a great energy and insight to every conversation.
Jul 28, 2020
1 hr
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