This is episode 2. Hobby Hustle. Most entrepreneurs don't realize that they are treating their business like a hobby. Therefore they are disrespecting their craft, occasionally working on it. Seldomly thinking about it, and delaying action. In this episode we talk about how to not only talk about it, but be about it.
As an entrepreneur you have to EAT SLEEP & BREATH your craft. In this episode, we give you the spoon and the fork to do just that.
Brought to you by Divine Intervention Media.
Instagram: @Ybnodel
Email: DivineMediaChicago
Jan 9, 2022
21 min

This episode outlines how to start as an Entrepreneur. Common misconceptions that entrepreneurs may have when starting, in addition to how to overcome them. Here’s the link to the entrepreneurship support group: https://t.me/joinchat/rBL7tJZ_7NRlODZh
Nov 16, 2021
26 min