via Podcasts
Helpful and encouraging!
This podcast is FULL of useful and inspiring Scripture, Christ-following role models & perspective-shifting truths. No matter who you are and where you are in your life’s journey, you will hear something here that connects to you, right where you are, and shines a light on it to help you move forward in your walk with God. I am so thankful to Hanna and all her guests on this show for sharing their hearts, and most of all to God our Creator, who faithfully reveals His heart to us every day.
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Can’t Get Enough!
I am currently bingeing through so many missed episodes and deeply enjoying each conversation. Thank you for brining amazing guests, fruitful conversation, and application that your listeners can apply to their lives through Truth found in scripture. This podcast is life-giving to me!
No Matter What
I love this podcast and couldn’t recommend it enough!
Love the truth shared on this podcast!
The scripture!!
I love that scripture is always the top priority in the conversations!
Incredible podcast!
How is it that every single episode Hanna releases speaks so deeply to my soul? Every episode I learn something new, and it’s something that I needed to hear that day! I love how the Lord works and is using this podcast to speak into my life! Hanna and her guests are so wise, and fun! I always finish the show with a smile on my face! I cannot wait to wake up on Tuesday mornings to see what each new episode is going to be ❤️
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Such a great, relatable applicable podcast without sacrificing true knowledge and the truth of scripture :)
Musical morgan
Great conversations!
Awesome content! Found this through someone I follow on Instagram and have listened to 3 episodes in 2 days! Love the host’s questions and overall message. 5 star!
So encouraging!
I love this podcast! I’m a member of IBC so I find especially sweet to hear Hannah’s heart for ministry through this podcast. I love the guests she had on and find myself searching for a pen and paper when I’m listening so I can jot down verses or lines that really speak to me. Very down to earth authentic conversations about what it looks like to walk out our faith no matter what. It’s been a gift in the middle of difficult days to play this and refocus my heart and mind on our loving father knowing he’s really got this!
**one note is that the season 2 audio is very quiet. Have to have volume all the up on my phone and car and still have some trouble hearing guests clearly.
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So good!
Always relevant, always encouraging, seasoned with God’s Word and His perspectives! Great topics and thoughtful questions! 🙌🏻❤️
Love listening to Hanna on walks! Her and her guests have such uplifting words and truth!!!
Great recommendation
A friend recommended that I listen to this podcast, and I was not disappointed. So many great take aways that I really need to listen to it again. I’ll be sure to listen to season one ASAP!
Refreshing & Simply Amazing!
I just finished listening to season 2 episode 1 of ‘No Matter What’ with Hanna Seymour! Guys, if you want to Refresh your walk with Jesus, get a new perspective on life, and LIVE with purpose, take a listen! These podcasts share the heart of Jesus and the joy, love, and mercy He brings into our world through ordinary people. Please, don’t miss out on this opportunity. It’s a treasure for sure.
A weekly MUST
The trail to here was: Girl’s Night with Stephanie May Wilson, then Basically Basic with Cami and Amanda, and now the lovely No Matter What with this gem! I look forward to Hanna’s podcast and guests every week!! SUBSCRIBE now!!!
Compelling to listen to
Have enjoyed every episode. I love hearing encouragements and support of friends and family member's journeys during each and every individual circumstance. This podcast has added value to my everyday thinking and has provided me with a different perspective and tools to use as well. I have appreciated being able to listen, learn, and grow from it. I have encouraged several friends and family members to listen as well!
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Exactly what I need to hear every time
My friend sent me a link to this podcast, and I have been in love with it ever since! Hannah and her guests have been my new favorite morning walking buddies. Her episodes feel straight from the Lord, and I’m so thankful for all the insight and wisdom Hannah brings to her podcast. I literally tell every one of my friends that YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO “NO MATTER WHAT”!
Joy Saylor
Take time to matter.
Our lives are so busy, our time to influence others may be seconds or decades. But we all matter!
Regardless of your spheres, your plight, your time limitations, a heart for Christ matters!
Hannah and her guests do an excellent job of articulating that no matter your journey others are watching and listening. We can make a difference for Him.
Give it a listen. You will be glad you did !
Stop scrolling and listen/subscribe! 💕
While you are doing the dishes today, going on a walk, to your essential job ... listen to @hannaeseymour ‘s podcast interview with her sister-in-law @kaileydickerson. • I was so encouraged by her words I listened to the interview not once but twice. (Maybe more 😉) • Thank you Kailey for reminding me and so many others that seasons of waiting are difficult but the Lord is with us every single step of the way. Thank you for encouraging me to cling to all of His promises and be purposeful in the waiting. Thank you Hanna for obeying the Lord and creating this podcast for us! You are a breath of fresh air and I am so grateful that I stumbled upon your pod!! Sending you and Kailey many hugs!
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Lindsay - Full Heart Co
Kailey Dickerson Episode!
I am listening to the episode with Kailey Dickerson currently and I just needed to say how wonderfully beautiful that conversation was. It was and is exactly what I needed to hear today and through what I’m going through. This podcast is amazing and inspirational and I can’t wait to keep listening to God speak through you two.
Love it!
I love hearing Hanna interview people who she personally loves and looks up to. People who she chooses with much thought! So encouraged every time I listen!
So encouraging!!!
This has been an impactful podcast where I have come to for encouragement! The Lord has used Hanna and the people who she has interviewed to speak to me and teach me. Praise God and thank you Hanna for your courage and thoughtful words!
Madison Schaef
New favorite podcast
With each episode I feel like I’m sitting in a room with my new best friends I didn’t even know I needed. Gleaning so much practical and profound wisdom that I can easily apply to my life. New favorite podcast. You will love it
Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed
Listening to this podcast feels like sitting down and chatting with your friends over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Every episode is filled with so much encouragement and so much wisdom. I love the way she incorporates faith into every episode. I always feel so empowered and filled with hope after listening to this podcast. I’m counting down until season 2!
always encouraging, always challenging
This is the podcast you want to listen to if you want to feel encouraged. Hanna asks such good questions and invites guests who are wise and kind to share their hard-earned knowledge of God for the benefit of the listener and the glory of God. I have loved every episode!
Encouraging, positive and fun listening every time I tune in!
Hanna’s words are incredibly encouraging, wise, biblical, and always fun! She has words of wisdom for all sorts of circumstances in life. You will love her right from the start!!
Incredible Wisdom
Hanna has such great insight that’s applicable to anyone regardless of your age or gender. Her guests are spectacular and I’ve already learned so much!
So encouraging!!!!
I have absolutely loved listening to this podcast! It has been so encouraging to me in so many ways. Love Hanna!!!!
This is great
Hanna Seymour chooses guests who are real, open with their thoughts and can help others. She asks the right questions and makes the listener feel like sitting right at the table. Kudos!
Mama Liz M.
Great biblical truth and encouragement for women of all ages!
Love, love this podcast! Listened together with my teenage daughters and we were all encouraged. Hanna has a natural warmth in her voice that invites listeners into authentic and intimate conversations with women who have faced adversity and found peace in trusting God and being who God intends .. no matter what.
Maddie Pinkston
Great interview with Ashley
Love this. I remember your dad asking for prayer for Ashley. I'm grateful that God is using her in mighty ways!
So real, so Honest
I absolutely love this podcast because Hanna is So Real and So Honest! She speaks from the heart, and I feel like I’m learning more about who God wants me to be.... and ultimately, it is to bring Glory to Him no matter what I’m doing with my life. Thank you, Hanna!!
Don’t miss Ashley!!!! So timely in this day of uncertainty.
You two are such amazing young women being used by God! This was such a rich podcast. Ashley thank you for sharing part of your story. Words can’t express what a strong woman you are and how much your story is impacting
so many lives. Love you and love the verses you shared.💕
Needed today more than ever
This grounding in “no matter what” is needed today more than ever. We’re living in what feels like uncertain times, so being firm in who you are in Christ is SO critical. Love the voice Hanna brings to this important message!
Refreshing and encouraging!
We all could use some encouragement to keep on “no matter what” these days. Time well spent!
You need this.
I LOVE the way that Hanna feels like the big sister who can give it to you straight, with equal amounts of truth and grace. I have loved her since I heard her on Girls Night, and when she announced her own podcast, I knew it would be a go to of mine. Two episodes in and I’ve already cried in my car on the way to work - the stories are real and relatable, and put language to feelings I never knew I was holding onto. Thankful for this strong woman who isn’t afraid to use her voice for the Kingdom, and who empowers other women to do the same.
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No Matter What Podcast
I love listening to Hannah’s podcast. She has a way of interviewing someone where it feels as a f we are all hanging out and having coffee together. Her podcast is very inspiring and I can’t wait to see what’s next
Future millionaire (i'm sure)
Encouraging and Inspiring
Loved Hannah’s book and this is just an extension of what amazing work she does. God has totally called this woman to encourage others in their faith. This podcast is a must listen ... “no matter what” !
Erin VB
Who’s that’s HANNA
This is the woman you didn’t know you were missing in your life until now. Hanna is about to blow us out of the water with future episodes and I can’t wait. So thankful already for the wisdom and realness she carries into every interaction; I have a feeling that will be the common thread throughout all episodes to come. What a babe. What a visionary. What a WOG (woman o’ God...) 🙌🏼
Coco Whit
I so enjoyed this!
I came here on Christy Wrights recommendation & I’m so glad I did!! So refreshing & sweet! I ordered 2 books during it for my daughters :) Thank You Hannah! I look forward to listening more 💗
A true queen.
Challenged AND Encouraged
This podcast challenged some of my thought patterns that aren’t necessarily health, while at the same time encouraging my pants off that I can have purpose through God working in me. So good and the balance of those two things is so needed.
So good!
I have listened to Hanna on other podcasts for years and I am so excited that she has her own! The first episode alone had me thinking about my life in a new light and made feel empowered to own my season - no matter what! 10/10 would recommend to a friend!
Honest and real with some laughter in between!
I have listened to Hanna in the past on podcasts and consistently have learned so much and used so much of what she has talked to help my friends. Hanna is so positive while also being very real. Hanna makes you feel a part of her cozy/honest community from the second you start listening.
Real, thoughtful & helpful
Wonderful conversation between daughter & father about life’s questions, finding meaning & influence right where we’re planted. #•KT
This podcast is a life-changer
Hanna Seymour is the big sister we all need. She’s funny, relatable, and deeply wise. Hanna is also my very favorite Bible teacher. Truly. She has this way of helping me understand scripture and apply it to my life in a way that changes everything. (As scripture always does!) I have looked up to Hanna for years and am SO HAPPY she has a podcast. Friends, get ready to have your life changed!
Relevant and timely
It doesn’t matter where you are in life, you wonder about your purpose. And you think you are the only one! But Hannas podcast let me know I was not alone. So many nuggets of truth in just the first episode, can’t wait to continue
So excited to add this new podcast to my playlist as Hanna Seymour ALWAYS asks great questions, challenges my thinking and offers wisdom beyond her years. This episode is all that and more. Subscribe NOW, you will not regret the time spent with this amazing young woman!
This podcast was SO easy to digest, but so full of wisdom, exhortation, and encouragement! Hanna strikes such a balance of being challenging, funny, relatable, and raising the bar for you all at the same time! I have already subscribed and cannot wait to hear every episode! I am already going to listen to the first one again because it was THAT good! Go download now ... if not, you are just missing out on some serious GOODNESS!!
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Relatable, Encouraging and Full of the Truth
Loved this podcasts first episode! A unique topic that speaks to so many people, meeting them in their specific struggles in an encouraging and engaging way. She grounds this podcast on biblical truths- AMEN! Hanna is so relatable and shares her own struggles and questions which makes it feel like you’re sitting at the table with her. Can’t wait to hear more!!
Love it!
This podcast is encouraging, uplifting, and very insightful. I’m always grateful for people who work tirelessly to fill others up so we can hopefully pour the love of Jesus into those around us. I will definitely be an avid and devoted listener!