In the second part of Alicia's conversation about blending families with Senior Pastor Nathan Young, they discuss heart postures and guiding priniciples for bringing two families together as one in the most positive and God-honoring way possible. Pastor Nate shares the importance of establishing priorities and setting realistic, healthy boundaries around the blended family unit. Pastor Nate also emphasizes the importance of healthy communication and keeping God at the center of it all. This conversation will encourage you in the hard season of blending a family that your family is worth the fight. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected] Connect with Pastor Nathan Young (Head Pastor Community Church) [email protected] www.communitych.com Facebook: communitychurch YouTube: @Dr.A.NathanYoung
May 8, 2024
38 min

According to the US Census, aproximately 30-40% of families in the church are blended families. As this family structure in the church continues to grow, so does the need to minister to the dynamics surrounding blended families. In this two-part conversation, Alicia talks with Pastor Nathan Young, senior pastor of Community Church, about the difficult process of blending families. Not only does Pastor Nate share his wisdom on this topic as a senior pastor, he has insight from his own personal experience of blending his family. This conversation offers hope, encouragement, and direction for those who are navigating the difficulties of a blended family along with practical principles to guide their journey. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected] Connect with Pastor Nathan Young (Head Pastor Community Church) [email protected] www.communitych.com Facebook: communitychurch YouTube: @Dr.A.NathanYoung
May 1, 2024
37 min

Overcoming shame is a journey. In the final episode of our shame series, Abby and Alicia talk about practical steps to overcome shame. They offer wisdom on how to separate conviction from condemnation and encouragement on how to embrace your true identity in Christ. They also emphasize that God's loving view of the believer, despite thier failures, along with a profound understanding of God's grace and forgiveness are the antidotes to shame. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected]
Apr 24, 2024
42 min

Shame often arises from a sense of failing to meet internal or external standards. As a result, shame manifests itself in our behaviors. In episode three of our shame series, Abby and Alicia look at shame in action and the various ways people look to avoid, cope with, or repair shame. They discuss the four categories of shame behaviors as well as behavioral characteristics of shame-based people. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected]
Apr 17, 2024
41 min

In part two of the shame series, Abby and Alicia talk about the source of shame. From toxic parents to unfortunate circumstances, shame can stem from various sources impacting our emotional well-being. Abby and Alicia share personal and candid life-experiences surrounding their own shame, and discuss how the complex emotion of shame impacts individuals differently and often times goes unrealized. However, recognizing and addressing shame can be an essential step toward healing and self-acceptance. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected]
Apr 10, 2024
34 min

As an effect of the Fall, we all have experienced that intense feeling of inadequacy and unworthiness called shame. Shame attacks our identity and self-worth and is one of the enemy's greatest weapons for destroying the peace and abundant life that is offered to the believer in Christ. In the first episode of this four-part series on shame, Alicia and Abby define shame and dive into the biblical roots of shame in Genesis chapter 3. This conversation offers a clear understanding of the face of shame and its various types because recognizing what shame is is the first step in walking in freedom from shame. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected]
Apr 3, 2024
34 min

In this episode, Alicia talks with business growth strategist and coach, Dr. Robyn Graham, about balancing the busy of having a career and a family. As a mother of three, Robyn has first-hand experience managing the demands of a thriving multi-faceted career as well as the needs of her family. In this conversation, Alicia and Robyn talk about mindsets and heart postures for letting go of control, perfectionism, and worry or "mom guilt." As a business coach, Robyn also shares what she sees as the greatest challenges and pitfalls for working parents, and offers encouragement and wisdom for balancing callings and career goals with family life. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Robyn Graham Website: www.therobyngraham.com Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected] Links to Robyn’s Books on Amazon: Parent Book: https://www.amazon.com/You-Me-Anxiety-Action-Parent/dp/1956442006/ref=sr_1_1?crid=MF9APHEVQTVR&keywords=you+me+and+anxiety+parent+robyn+graham&qid=1675207670&sprefix=you+me+and+anxiety+parent+robyn+graham+%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1 Teen Book https://www.amazon.com/You-Me-Anxiety-Action-Enjoy/dp/1737263882/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16KWSD2HOC168&keywords=you+me+and+anxiety+teen+edition&qid=1704819611&sprefix=you+me+and+anxiety+teen+edition%2Caps%2C132&sr=8-1
Mar 27, 2024
45 min

We've all experienced times when our life outcomes don't measure up to the expectations. These times in life can feel like a rug has been pulled from underneath our feet and leave us with nothing but despair and grief. In part 3 of our series on loss, Alicia talks with mom of four, Natalie Gremillion, about one of these rug-pulling moments when her son Nathaniel was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. Alicia and Natalie talk candidly about the grief and resentment that came with the reality of Nathaniels diagnosis, and the loss of what she expected her son's life to be like. In this powerful conversation, Natalie shares how life's loss exposes our truest view of God, and how God used her unmet expectations to draw her closer to Himself and transform her perspective on suffering. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com Counseling: www.noheartleftbehind.com/counseling To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected] Natalie Gremillion: [email protected]
Mar 20, 2024
52 min

As we continue through our series through loss, Alicia is joined by author and speaker, Joy Scott, as she shares the story of her son Joseph whose life was cut short by a rare form of brain cancer. In this powerful and candid conversation, Joy shares not only her struggles and grief as she faced what felt like an unthinkable situation but also how this tragedy led her family to experience the unimaginable love, grace, and lasting peace from God that carried them through the most excruciating of seasons. Joy's message of unstoppable hope will inspire and encourage you that God's presence is enough in the midst of any season of pain and loss. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Connect with Joy at www.joyscott.me Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected] Joy Scott on Instagram: @ joy_scott_ Facebook: Joy Scott GIVEAWAY INFO: If you want a chance to win a copy of Joy's book, Joseph's Journey: Living with Unstoppable Hope here is how you can enter: 1. Follow us on Instagram (@noheartleftbehindnhlb) 2. Like our Joseph's Joy giveaway post 3. Share the post on your story or feed. Winners announced March 26th!
Mar 13, 2024
46 min

Even though Jesus tells us in the scriptures that in this world we will have trouble, it can be hard to reconcile a good God with seasons of trial and loss. In this first episode of our series, "Living with Loss," NHLB founder Abby Shields and her husband, Kerry, share their experience of losing a career along with their lifestyle and most of their earthly possessions. This conversation offers insight into the struggle, shock, and grief that comes with loss. However, Kerry and Abby also share the tangible ways they experienced God's love and faithfulness in the midst of the loss. Links: www.noheartleftbehind.com To donate to No Heart Left Behind visit: https://www.noheartleftbehind.com/donate Contacts: Abby Shields (Founder & Lead Belief Therapist NHLB) [email protected] Alicia Stickles (Executive Director NHLB) [email protected]
Mar 6, 2024
44 min
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