NIKA’s Friends
NIKA’s Friends
Omid Aryanik
Nika’s Friends, Episode 11
17 minutes Posted Feb 11, 2023 at 11:38 pm.
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In 2022, we still witnessed the purpose of a hidden power from the peak of the democracies mountain. The dirty brains are concealed in the shadow and still trying hard for the hostage takers, the Islamic republic's survival. This show has an important message from Iranian teenagers and Women, the leaders of the revolution' Woman, life freedom', The ones who suffered the most from your ambitions. from the street of Iran:
" you are still trying to suck the leftover of Iran's blood via your old straw; the Islamic Republic, the hostage takers. You are still hoping to catch the last fish while your filthy hands, the Islamic republic, has its creel on Iran. Have you thought you are super intelligent or people are stupid? But now, welcome to our battle. We recognised you little people hidden in the shade; we even know your self-sold betrayals Iranians who trait their people's blood with your dirty money to fool the world. They have been helping with your propaganda.
We know you have begun new tricks for younger generations, but oops! You still need to get to know teenagers and women who suffered enough to stand in front of your dirty arms bullet! Don't you think we decided to go out and dye? Please be smarter! We have read your dirty hands! Your current disgusting game is over. You know we are not like our parents! They believed your propaganda, but we won't and will tell the world about your evil plans. You already have been preparing yourself with all new brands of lies! You little shaders! We are standing in the light! We are dedicating our hot blood to the truth and future. You have our innocent beloved friends and family members' blood on the top of our mum's. And remember, the earth is turning and turning over."