NIKA’s Friends
NIKA’s Friends
Omid Aryanik
Episode 09:(The magic of propaganda)
15 minutes Posted Jan 28, 2023 at 11:07 pm.
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In 2022, women and teenagers, the revolution "woman, life, Freedom" 's leaders: in Iran, began to publish video and Audio files of themselves on the internet.
They knew all about the consequences of such an act in Iran then. It would cause them to lose their everyday citizen rights, like getting a job or studying. It can always get to the point of being arrested, tortured, and killed.
These consequences are easy to apply to their dear ones' lives as the Islamic republic has a long hand in it.
What made them take the jeopardy and risk their life to publish just a few minutes of their voice to the free world, whether the world listens to them or not? They did it. They risked everything but; what was the outcome of such braveness and sacrifice?
What was the outcome for themselves and their beloved country, Iran? What happened to all those worthy files between the dirty tricks of Propaganda?