NIKA’s Friends
NIKA’s Friends
Omid Aryanik
The night before(||)
14 minutes Posted Dec 16, 2022 at 3:39 pm.
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In the year 2022, after 13 years of nonsense negotiations of the world with Islamic republic over The nuclear deal; politicians reached to this conclusion;
“We wasted our time! There is no way to negotiate with IR”
13 bloody years was more than enough time for this brutal savages, the Regime of IR, to Destroy any valuable thing was still left from Iran, to sell even the earth, trees, water, and Iran's teenage girls and boys! People in Iran were yelling the same pain out for more than 30 years! Have You really just got it? You all professionals! You worlds godfathers! History will tell this story loud! Could anyone deny the hot blood on the cold streets of Our Mother; Iran? Could you? Of course you still tried hard to keep dealing with hostage takers;
But hiding hot blood was not as easy! Perhaps it would work better for some politicians, that it was no smart phone and internet connection in Iran?! Like last few decades! No record; easy to forget! Easier to deny! When there is the matter of money! Big one!