Nightly Encounters Podcast
Nightly Encounters
Dakota Wortman
Episode 1-Nightly Encounters Intro - episode of Nightly Encounters podcast

Episode 1-Nightly Encounters Intro

6 minutes Posted Jan 11, 2020 at 7:13 am.
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Show notes

Welcome to the first Episode of Nightly Encounters!

My name is Dakota Wortman. Here I explain what Nightly Encounters will be about. I am no professional at all when it comes to audio for podcasting. Maybe down the line it will get better over time. Please bear with me as I learn as I go. This podcast is inspired to be about the people. For persons who have not told their stories....yet. I am open minded to listen to even the craziest story you have. This podcast is not scripted and it is completely raw. I want everyone to know that everything is not perfect. THAT'S LIFE. I want to appreciate you ALL for being here right now. It means the world to me. If you want to follow me on this journey, please follow all the links!

If you or anyone has a story to tell please submit to [email protected].

Accepting ALL Stories. Music is Licensed from

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Sit back, relax, and enjoy these Nightly Encounters.