News We Need To Know! Podcast

News We Need To Know!

Jay Moore Reviews
I talk about all the news and stories that affect my community and my people so that lack of knowledge will never be a issue!
The Truth Behind the Mysterious Seeds People Get In The Mail!
This Podcast is about the mysterious seeds people have received in the mail across the 50 states that may be part of a brushing scam. I breakdown and digest a article about this topic from cnn. #mysteriousseeds #SEEDS #FREESEEDS #BRUSHING #BRUSHINGSCAM ARTICLE -
Jul 30, 2020
3 min
Why Congress doesn’t have a plan for Unemployment Benefits when they run out!
The extra $600 dollar unemployment benefits will run out this weekend and there’s no plan to replace or update the benefits yet. Why is this the case?
Jul 21, 2020
10 min
Corporate America is finally recognizing Juneteenth but is it enough?
This podcast is about Juneteenth and how more recognition is coming from corporate America but is it really enough?Article-
Jun 20, 2020
16 min
Starbucks bans employee’s from wearing ANYTHING“Black lives matter “
Starbucks sent a internal memo reminding employees not to wear anything in support of the movement even though they support other controversial causes.Article-
Jun 12, 2020
6 min
Did Walmart just give 50% of its profits to Trump’s re-election campaign?
This is about a article saying Walmart is donating 50% of profits to Trump. Article- CHANNEL-
Jun 12, 2020
4 min