New York Jets Atlantic Flight Podcast 💚 Podcast

New York Jets Atlantic Flight Podcast 💚

Two fans that live on opposite sides of the pond (Atlantic ocean) with a love of everything New York Jets. News, reviews, predictions and always opinions, LOTS of opinions 😉 Go Jets! #NewYorkJets #NYJets #NYJ #JetsFans Go Jets!
Ep.5 We have the OC now, but realistically who’s in at QB1?
Geno and Gus (aka Italy Jet & Gustoon) discuss the past weeks events at 1 Jets Drive and what could possibly happen with linked names at QB
Jan 28, 2023
47 min
MLF - Fallout and what it could mean.  OC / QB - who are the runners and riders
Ant Cook form @gang_greenuk joins Geno and Gus to discuss the MLF debacle , what narratives are being pushed, the fallout and looking forward. Also OC candidates as well as realistic options at QB. Playoff predictions!!
Jan 21, 2023
1 hr 14 min