New Knowledge Podcast

New Knowledge

The New Knowledge Podcast
The New Knowledge Podcast (NK) was created by Amiri McKinnon and Christophe Charles. NK is a platform where we discuss matters important to us and our community. This platform also invites people of all ages to discuss topics relevant to society today as well as speak wisdom and words of inspiration to the public. From fun conversations about life to deep intellectual discussions, The New Knowledge Podcast is the center of entertainment and new knowledge. If you want to speak on the podcast or if you have questions, email us at [email protected].
Episode 19: Season One Done!
Hey guys, this is our last episode of the first season of the New Knowledge Podcast. It has been such an amazing ride through the tail end of 2020 and we appreciate your constant support so much. We will still be active and sharing clips from our previous episodes, but for the most part, will be taking a break as we try to manage to maintain a remote podcast due to our respective academic situations. Enjoy this episode as we have a reflective conversation about 2020 as we head into 2021. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for the extended visual version of this episode and more clips from the previous ones!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]
Jan 3, 2021
29 min
Episode 18: Happy Holidays
With one more week left in 2020, We are back with our special Christmas episode of the New Knowledge Podcast. After our personal check-in on this episode we have a more free-flowing structure as we track our favorite things about Christmas, the best things we received on Christmas, and the hype surrounding the “Negro Solstice” along with possible powers we would have wanted on the 21st. Lastly, we get into a deeper dive into the innate power and gifts that make black people so amazing. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for the extended visual version of this episode and more clips from the previous ones!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]
Dec 27, 2020
38 min
No Cap (Bonus Footage from Episode 13 of The New Knowledge Podcast)
Happy Sunday y’all! Tune in for this bonus clip from Episode 13. On this we answer questions that you guys asked us through our Instagram page (@newknowledgepodcast), and go into a deeper discussion on the “Black Card” in relation to our most cherished black TV shows and movies. We touch on the NBA, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Martin, Friday and more. We also talk about dating someone who is into Zodiac signs. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from the previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected] Cap (Bonus Footage from Episode 13 of The New Knowledge Podcast)Created By: Amiri McKinnon and Christophe Charles
Dec 13, 2020
35 min
Episode 17: Snappy Slogans
Three more weeks until the end of the year! We’re back with another episode of the New Knowledge Podcast. In this episode we cover our end of the year Spotify Wrapped artists and albums of 2020, some current Twitter controversy at True’s Kitchen, and deep dive into Obama’s comments on the slogan “Defund the Police”. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from the previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]
Dec 6, 2020
40 min
Episode 16: Think Like A Man w/ Don
Back with another episode on this Holiday weekend! Hope y’all had a blessed Thanksgiving filled with a lot of good food and a lot of sleeping. On this episode we talk about our respective Thanksgiving experiences, how we feel about guys paying for dates in the current climate of our society, and we briefly touch on what we believe takes to be a man today. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from the previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]:PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT BY JAY-Z
Nov 29, 2020
59 min
Episode 15: Me vs Me
We are back with our 15th episode of the podcast! Who could’ve guessed we would make it this far—definitely have to thank you guys for the constant support over this journey! On this episode we have a Mental Vibe Check as we both near the end of our first semester/quarter of college, a debate on who could win in possible Versuz Battles (Jay Z vs Lil Wayne, Dr. Dre vs Diddy, Kanye vs Drake e.t.c), and we finish out with a discussion on what quarantine has taught us with the possibility of a vaccine on the horizon. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from the previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]: Frontin' by Pharrell ft. Jay-Z
Nov 22, 2020
51 min
Episode 14: ABC As Smoove As 123 w/ Amiri, Bryan, and Christophe
What's poppin'! We are back with new knowledge and a new, in-person guest, Bryan (IG: @shelovesbryan)! The New Knowledge Podcast team is very excited to have a close friend bring in some new knowledge and new perspectives. In this episode, Amiri, Bryan, and Christophe have an open discussion about current events and they answer questions that the New Knowledge Podcast social media audience has asked them. We talk about the new PS5, video games vs girls, what makes us fall for someone special, and how social media has affected relationships and approaching people of the preferred sex. Honestly, the episodes keep getting better and better. We hope this fun and intellectual conversation brings you joy and laughter. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]: Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn
Nov 15, 2020
59 min
Episode 13: Black Men Don't Cheat...?
What. A. Week. In this episode of the New Knowledge Podcast, we touch on Biden‘s victory and his path to becoming the 46th President of the United States. After we speak on the true elephant in the room...the prominent idea: “Black Men Don’t Cheat.” this leads us to discuss the cheating nature of both men and women, whether guy/girl best friends are healthy for a relationship, and why it is important to remain confident and comfortable within yourself so if these relationships end you are never off-balance. No cap, this episode is bound to make you laugh. This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]: So Gone by Monica (Instrumental)
Nov 8, 2020
1 hr 5 min
Episode 12: To Vote or Not To Vote...It's Not Really A Question
In light of the most consequential election of our lifetime, Christophe and Amiri dive into the importance of owning your vote. They go through a brief side by side comparison of Trump and Biden’s stances on various issues (climate change, abortion, police and criminal justice reform, coronavirus, education, and immigration). This episode is meant for those looking for more information on policy’s that may be put into place depending on the results from the election and for those looking for an opinion from some of America’s young adults. Hopefully, this instills more confidence in you all to go out and vote. We are the voices of tomorrow and the warriors of the unheard. Let us go out and make history! This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from the previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected] Source: Climate Agreement Great American Outdoors Act City Policy Amendment v. Wade,Roe%20v.,procedure%20across%20the%20United%20States.&text=Since%20the%201973%20ruling%2C%20many,imposed%20restrictions%20on%20abortion%20rights.
Nov 2, 2020
38 min
Episode 11: Friendships, First Dates, and FaceTimes
On this episode of the New Knowledge Podcast, we begin by speaking on the current events of Halloween and the social media controversy behind Megan Thee Stallion winning Hip Hop Artist of the Year. From there we transition into a deeper conversation about the role that some friends play in your dynamic life as “flat characters.” And by 2020 we’ve all been there—planning for that first date or waiting on that first FaceTime call. We go into a discussion on our ideal first dates, the importance of that first FaceTime call, and more! This is New Knowledge from The New Knowledge Podcast! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more clips from the previous episodes!We are on Youtube, Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, and more! Click this link Page: Page: Twitter Page:@newknowledge101Email: [email protected]: If by Davido
Nov 1, 2020
1 hr 4 min
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