Nature vs Narcissism
Nature vs Narcissism
Heather Wright
LR - Sexton Parent Murders (Part 1)
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Feb 14, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
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HAPPY Valentine's Day!!
In this listener request episode, Heather is joined by Kimberly - who is a SUPER listener and Patreon supporter! She has requested a case from her small hometown in Oregon. This case stood out to her as it was all over the media at the time as nothing like that had happened in her town before. ALSO - Brian was in her elementary school class...AND asked her out on Valentine's Day! Did she take him up on the offer?
When she first reached out to me about it, I had never heard about it - which is crazy considering the details surrounding the case. Two juveniles (17-year-old Michael Ryan Sexton & 13-year-old Brian Adam Sexton) were arrested for the murder of their parents and the disposal of their bodies. Luckily though, they were terrible at covering up their crimes AND getting away. They were apprehended hours after committing the murders. But how were they caught? What did the police find?
