NAFYO: No One Asked For Your Opinion Podcast

NAFYO: No One Asked For Your Opinion

A podcast about television and movies
NAFYO the Podcast | Episode 1: The Mary Sue Debate
no one asked for your opinion the podcast is a podcast series about storytelling through television and media, designed to offer an opinion on certain topics. ========================================== episode 1: the mary sue debate a few weeks ago there was a debate about if rey was a mary sue. this is my opinion on it. spoiler alert: she's not. ============================= Video Essay Series: Patreon: ========================================== Clips Featured by: no clips because ffffffff u, youtube. Music by: Chillhop: * Bonus Points - Pizza and and Video Games * GYVUS - This Time * GYVUS - Tozen * Joseph Jacobs - Tune In Listen on Spotify:
May 12, 2019
18 min