Mysterious Matters Archives 2013-2022 Podcast

Mysterious Matters Archives 2013-2022

Bob Bain's Paranormal Podcast
These are the archives of the popular podcast The Farside, and rebranded as Mysterious Matters.Mysterious Matters is returning as a refreshed podcast with a new feed.
Dark Matter AM - September 2023
An announcement from Bob concerning his future in podcasting, and broadcasting for 2024. It involves Dark Matter.
Sep 4, 2023
6 min
Ouija Boards, Serial Killer Ouija, and Paranormal Experiences with Karen A. Dahlman - July 2022
Karen A. Dahlman Joined Bob on an episode of Mysterious Matters to discuss the Ouija, and they also discussed many things including their own paranormal experiences. And what could be used as a Ouija Board.
Jul 25, 2022
1 hr 32 min
The Brainphone Prophecy with Dr. Scott Snair
Dr. Scott Snair first became concerned about he adverse effects that smart devices have on Humanity as a College Professor, teaching a classroom full of adults who were more attuned to their chosen social media platforms, and messaging platforms, than the education he was providing and they were paying for. On this episode of MYSTERIOUS MATTERS Bob and Scott dwell deep into the not too distant future where Humans will choose to be connected 24/7. What is the Future of Humanity? Should we be concerned with where the Digital Revolution is Heading? Will Crypto like Bitcoin be the only accepted form of payment and transferred from brain to brain? Will non complying Humans be shunned by the smart chip enhanced humans? Can these smart chips be used to enslave workers to the demands of employers?
Jul 8, 2022
1 hr 12 min
Bob Bain and the Ghostbuster Gals
The Ghostbuster Gals joined Bob for another fun live show on Friday, June 10th.
Jun 12, 2022
56 min
Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran: The Symmetry of Alien Encounters and UFOs
Preston Dennett and Dolly Safran joined MYSTERIOUS MATTERS to discuss Dolly’s personal experiences with Alien Visitors. Dolly Safran was first visited by extraterrestrial beings when she was merely a few months of age. Dolly claims to vividly remember every detail of her alien visitation experiences, and the conversations that she has held with these intelligent beings. At one time Dolly Safran was lured toward an alien craft through an old trick they use, a trick of holographic impressionism, and created in her mind the imagery of Mary Poppins. That captivated a young girl who loved the recently released movie of Disney’s Mary Poppins. Learn what a real UFO/UAP looks like, and how it operates, from a person who claims she has operated such as craft. Today you will hear her real-life experiences and hear from her about why she despises the term Alien Abduction.
May 21, 2022
1 hr 41 min
Price of Immortality and the race to live forever - Peter Ward
Peter Ward joined Bob for a conversation on the successes and failures to date of various groups and methods that are aiming to extend our natural expiration dates. What lengths would you go to, to preserve your life for an additional forty years, a hundred or more?
Apr 15, 2022
1 hr 6 min
Mysterious Messages From Beyond with Von Braschler
Von Braschler joined Mysterious Matters and the Curator of Mysteries for a conversation on what or who is communicating from beyond the veil.  This is the second episode of season nine for the Mysterious Matters Podcast.
Apr 1, 2022
53 min
Landscape Of The Afterlife with Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Matthew McKay
Dr. Matthew McKay (Professor of Psychology at the Wright Institute) joined Bob Bain on Mysterious Matters to discuss his journey into conversing with his deceased son, Jordan. And he conveyed many of Jordan's messages. Bob also shared some of his own personal encounters with the other side.
Feb 10, 2022
1 hr 24 min
James Webb Space Telescope and 'Oumuamua with Astronomer Bob Berman
Bob Berman returns to Mysterious Matters to discuss the James Webb Space Telescope, 'Oumuamua, pandemics of the past, distrust of the current vaccines, Airlines wanting to block 5G, and much more.
Jan 19, 2022
1 hr 14 min
Midnight Hour with The Ghost Buster Gals
Bob did a few live shows of different names between 2020 and 2021. This was one of those that he called The Midnight Hour. Mysterious Matters was never aired live. But The Farside and others were.
Sep 16, 2020
1 hr
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