My Invisible Story Podcast

My Invisible Story

Anne Woko
Making invisible stories visible. Sharing advice on how to overcome trauma past and present. Coming from someone who's been on both sides of the fence, my hope is that by sharing both mine and other's testimonies of healing, you can know that yours is possible too. We'll be talking about how our minds and bodies respond to trauma, and discuss topics such as ptsd, narcissism, domestic violence, sexual abuse, suicidual thoughts, body dysmorphic disorder, among other mental health issues and their relation to trauma.
EP26 Narcissists Never Give You Closure
Narcissists never give you closure, for a very specific reason. In this episode I share why they don’t give you closure and what you need to do about it.
Jan 29, 2024
4 min
EP25 Narcissistic Relapse
If you feel that you’re going to relapse back into a narcissistic abusive relationship, please listen to this.
Sep 8, 2021
3 min
EP24 10 Traits Of Narcissistic Mothers
In today’s episode I cover the 10 traits of narcissistic mothers. This is only 10 of the main traits, as there are many more. I hope this helps you identify if your mother has narcissistic traits.
Sep 4, 2021
12 min
EP23 Are You Living A Fantasy Or Reality In A Narcissistic Abusive Relationship?
Often those in narcissistic abusive relationships live in a fantasy-land due to emotional manipulation and gaslighting - causing them to not trust their own perception of reality. In this episode a share a way to help you stay rooted in reality.
Sep 3, 2021
5 min
EP22 - Narcissistic Mothers | My Story - Interviewed by Matt Phifer
I grew up with a narcissistic mother, and in a very volatile environment. I did not realise my mother was a narcissistic, because I didn't know what narcissism was. All I did know was that her treatment was abusive, and it ultimately led to me dealing with PTSD, among other issues. In this interview I share my story, how it led to further narcissistic abuse in my life, as well as how I managed to overcome it all. I hope my story helps someone.
Aug 31, 2020
32 min
EP21 A Reminder of Your Strength Through and After Narcissistic Abuse
When you've endured narcissistic abuse, it's so easy to lose sight of your own strength and resilience. Use this audio as a reminder of the sheer inner strength you have that has carried you through what could have easily broken you, but didn't.
Aug 22, 2020
5 min
EP20 What Story Are You Telling Yourself?
The story you are telling yourself is influencing the direction of your life. On today's podcast, I discuss the importance of the story you are telling yourself during and after narcissistic abuse.
May 11, 2020
4 min
EP19 Why Researching Narcissism Can Do You More Harm Than Good
When you come to the realisation that you've been involved with a narcissist, and start researching reasons why they behave the way they do, all your discoveries probably feel validating. It may help to bring some clarity to what you experienced. However, there comes a point where constantly reading up on narcissism, and comparing it to your own experiences can become a hindrance to your own recovery.
Apr 9, 2020
1 min
EP18 Finding Your Peace
Finding your peace whilst in a narcissistic abusive relationship or recovering from one isn't exactly easy, but it IS possible.
Jan 15, 2020
4 min
EP17 How A Narcissist Uses Codependency Against You.
A narcissist will use the fact that you are a codependent to get what they want from you. In this episode, find out how to break the cycle of codependency once and for all.
Dec 10, 2019
4 min
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