Have you Binged over the weekend? Does it happen pretty often to you? How do you jump start the week post Binge weekend - stressed? ready to restrict? diet? cut down on calories? kill it extra hard in the gym? you are consumed with thoughts of guilt and worthlessness? THEN LISTEN to this episode to help you navigate through these that next time post BINGE cycle you can start off with the right foot & more ease in your mind!!
Feb 19, 2020
13 min
How do you step into the gym with confidence? Many girls are struggling with that, especially if they are just starting! I know exactly how it feels, I felt so awful when I was just starting, worried of what others will think, being afraid to fail, and list goes on! I have managed to conquer these fears and enjoy myself in the gym at the fullest!Today, I am sharing 7 main tips I tried to put together!!! Listen to it, put your crown on, and step into the gym as the confident babe you were destined to be!Sharing the list in the description & for deets listen audio :p 1.Know your why2.Shift away from the mindset “everyone is watching at me”, “they will judge me”3.Remind yourself that everyone started somewhere – you are not the only one!4.If there’s a possibility to start with group trainings – do it!5.Approach every lift, every dumbbell, machine with confidence!6.Hire a coach on the floor if you can afford it – if you can’t hire coach on the floor – check for more affordable virtual one7.Watch YouTube tutorials, watch tutorials at home, or in the gym!
Feb 10, 2020
15 min
How to stop worrying what other people think of you? How to stop constantly thinking that others judge you negatively? Quick tips for how to step outside of this mindset. And how important it is to rather focus on what you think of you & whether or not you show up as a real you.Don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for weekly value, and follow me on IG @glowinyourlight to connect!!! My love to you.
Feb 4, 2020
7 min
WELCOME to my 1st episode ever! Thank you for being here! Super shortly what this podcast is going to be about: Inspiring reminder of who it is that YOU TRULY ARE. Quick intro, quick inspo, no BS. Very shortly about my own battles that I have overcome and what I am here to help you do.I encourage you to always share with me what is preventing you from living confidently and enjoying yourself. As I will do my best to bring value to the table and help you lead your way!Subscribe if you felt inspired & driven, share your story with me, let me know what you would love to hear next, follow me on IG @glowinyourlight, let’s connect, let’s share some love!Love & peace, yours, Iness.
Jan 31, 2020
7 min