Show notes
Hey everyone, sorry about the delay but its finally here! A new eppy of My Chemical Podcast. My guests were Kali (@firearnok), Nikki (@R_X_Queen), and Zoe (@racingthesunset. We talk about Gerard's princess mentality and helpful tips to Killjoys venturing out to their first shindig in the zones! :D If you're going to the So Cal dates and Vegas dates please contact @firearnok, she's looking for car pool epicness, she'll also be handing out old promo at those shows. If you're going to the Boston date and then the two New Jersey dates, please contact @racingthesunset, she's looking for a travel buddy for safety. Look out for me at the Atlanta date and at the Orlando date. You can contact me at my Twitter. Thanks for listening! :D Don't forget to follow MyChemChat on Twitter and its maintainer Cassie! Click to play