Mellisa Reeves
Discovering Your Worthiness—016
56 minutes Posted Jul 3, 2017 at 5:00 am.
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This weeks guest shares her long journey to believing that she is enough, just as she is, as a mother.  When her first son was born, she struggled with resentment and grief as she felt the pressure to be perfect and knew she couldn't be.  Over the years she struggled more and more with her relationship with her son, reaching a point where she felt there was something wrong with her because she didn't want to be around him.

It wasn't until years after Kelly's son was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at age 5 that her turning point came when she began to understand that she had always been conditioned to perform for worthiness and that this had carried over to her experience of being a mother. Learning to let go of perfectionism and her need for control was an important part of her journey, and now Kelly helps others do the same through her coaching work.

Kelly gets real about learning how to understand her son's needs and advocate for him, what it's like to embrace imperfection, and how she has stopped "hustling for her worthiness", in the words of Brene Brown.

In This Episode:
  • How never feeling like she was good enough as a child led to her becoming addicted to external validation  
  • Being imperfect as a mother made her feel like she was failing  
  • Being vulnerable can be in sharing of the hard moments of motherhood but also in believing in yourself and letting people see that  
  • How her son's Aspergers diagnosis helped Kelly move towards believing she was enough  
  • Learning to advocate for her son and teaching him to advocate for himself as he got older  
  • The need for more moms to stand up and say "this is freaking hard"  
  • Learning not to dismiss our own struggles just because someone else "has it worse"  
  • Exploring personality type through The Enneagram  
  • A special visualization Kelly does to help conceptualize your inherent worthiness  
  • Kelly's year of Intentional Underacheiving  
  • Learning to recognize and listen to your inner voice  
  • Kelly's invitation to join her private Facebook Group: The Worthy Collective
About Our Guest:

Kelly Covert is an inner voice coach with a passion for helping women lay down their lifelong habits of perfectionism and chronic overachieving, so they can listen to their inner voice and love themselves fully every single day. 

Through her coaching, online programs, writing and speaking, she is creating a movement of women that are practicing worthy now instead of worthy if or when. She is the creator and host of the In Her Voice podcast. Her work has been featured on The Huffington PostThe Elephant, and she has been a featured guest on many podcasts. 

Kelly is also a professional flutist with Symphoria, a wife and the mother of 2 big boys and 1 baby girl beagle named Piper.

You can learn more and connect with Kelly at


Free 5 Days of Journaling Program:

In Her Voice Podcast:

The Worthy Collective (my free private FB group):