Most Interesting Person You've Never Heard of Podcast Podcast

Most Interesting Person You've Never Heard of Podcast

MIP Podcast
Every person has a story, but not everyone has a place to tell it. As a filmmaker for over 35 years I've interviewed people all over the planet.
Don Poffenroth (Dry Fly Distilling) MIP Episode 38
What is the process for creating quality liquor? Who better to ask than Don Poffenroth, CEO of Dry Fly Distilling. Don, a Whitworth University graduate and avid fisherman, has been the CEO at Dry Fly for over 18 years. He specializes in vodka, gin, whiskey, and canned cocktails made with self produced spirits and natural ingredients. Once he retires, he hopes to drive pre 1910 cars across the country while taking time to stop and fish. Join Frank and Don for this invigorating conversation on Episode 38 of The Most Interesting Person You’ve Never Heard Of podcast.
Apr 9, 2024
47 min
Debbie Heiser (A Lit Up Life) MIP Ep.37
The hardest job in the world is being your own boss. Debbie Hesier is passionate about helping entrepreneurs achieve their business goals, while also pursuing their hopes, dreams, and ambitions. After rising through the ranks of corporate America for companies like Sprint and Citi, Debbie now helps business owners take meaningful steps to perform at a high level and live happy lives at the same time. Join Frank and Debbie for this transformative conversation about leadership on episode 37 of The Most Interesting Person You’ve Never Heard Of podcast.
Mar 22, 2024
1 hr 32 min
Chris Standiford (Gonzaga Athletic Director) MIP Ep. 38
.Will the Zags qualify for the NCAA tournament for a 25th consecutive year? Will the Zags join the Big 12? Will the GU women’s team make it back to the Elite 8… or further?  Are Name, Image and Likeness and the transfer portal hurting or helping college basketball? Who better to ask than the head honcho himself, Chris Standiford, Gonzaga University’s Director of Athletics, on episode 36 of the Most Interesting Person You’ve Never Heard Of podcast. 
Mar 10, 2024
1 hr 41 min
Jerrica Ford (From Heroin to Heroine) Episode 35
Some stories are so inspiring, it’s hard to believe they’re true. Five years ago, Jerrica Ford’s life was in turmoil. A formerly unhoused heroin addict, recently removed from her children and husband, she had few options to turn her life around. Today, thanks to the programs of Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, Jerrica is clean, living with her husband and children in a new home, and ironically managing one of Catholic Charities downtown affordable housing Havens, where she helps people navigate homelessness and addiction. Watch and listen to Jerrica’s courageous story on Episode 35 of the Most Interesting Person You’ve Never Heard Of podcast. 
Jan 27, 2024
1 hr 18 min
Wyatt Mills (Pitcher for Boston Red Sox) MIP Episode 34
What’s it like to pitch in the major leagues? And what do you do next when all your dreams have already come true? Boston Red Sox pitcher Wyatt Mills shares his inspiring story on the 34th episode of the MIP Podcast. Drafted 93rd overall in the 2017 MLB draft, this former Gonzaga Prep Bullpup, Zag, and Seattle Mariner talks about the incredible growth he’s experienced from meeting Ichiro to pitching at Yankee Stadium and overcoming Tommy John surgery. Watch and listen now. Spring training is closer than you think! Stay interesting!
Jan 6, 2024
1 hr 46 min
Linn Parish (Journal of Business Editor) Episode 33
Nov 18, 2023
1 hr 20 min
Ellen Travolta (Legendary Acting Icon) M.I.P. Episode 32
Ellen Travolta, an accomplished Broadway and television star, sat down with Frank this week to share her story. Ellen reflects upon her time in show business, her role models, her path to stardom, and her family life. Additionally, Ellen discusses moving to Coeur d’Alene and participating in the summer theater. This year, she will be returning to General Hospital 30 years after her initial role and has two hallmark movies coming out. Tune in to the full episode to hear the rest of Ellen’s riveting story about show business, life, and love.
Nov 3, 2023
1 hr 6 min
Reverend James Watkins (Corrections Officer) M.I.P. Episode 31
What’s it like to grow up black in Spokane, as the son of a legendary Baptist Minister? James Walkins shares his amazing story on this episode of the MIP Podcast. Currently the pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, James talks about stepping into his father, Happy Watkins’ shoes and also shares with Frank his remarkable 30+ year career from correctional officer to program manager at Airway Heights Correction Center. James shares his unique insight into the world of the incarcerated population in America and his ideas on how to improve it. Be inspired by this incredible man who has dedicated his life to service in his family, church, and community. Make sure to like and subscribe. 
Nov 2, 2023
1 hr 31 min
Jason Clark (2nd Harvest) M.I.P. Episode 30
For MIP’s 30th episode, host Frank Swoboda sat down with Jason Clark, the CEO of Second Harvest Food, the second largest food bank in Washington state. Jason has worked in the food banking industry for over 30 years, and has been with Second Harvest for over 20 years. Jason discusses his journey within the food bank industry and the unprecedented growth Second Harvest has experienced. This year alone they’ve distributed over 34 million pounds of food and fed millions of families. Jason and Frank also discuss Bite2go, a program that Second Harvest partners with, that sends bags of food home with nearly 10,000 students every weekend during the school year. Because he’s a child of the 70’s, Jason even shares his favorite Star Wars episode and critiques the latest Indiana Jones movie. Make sure to like, share and subscribe and check out the entire interview for more information on Second Harvest and Jason’s crusade against hunger.  To volunteer with Second Harvest, visit 
Oct 21, 2023
1 hr 9 min
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