A little bit of my story dealing with jaundice in my older breastfed baby. What were her risk factors for jaundice? How did we treat it?
Oct 23, 2016
21 min
Unfortunately your body doesn't know that your baby died. One of the most physically & emotionally painful parts of stillbirth, miscarriage, & infant loss is lactating after & trying to figure out what to do with that breastmilk. Coping with engorgement, how to dry up your milk, & should you donate?
Oct 9, 2016
26 min
What situations my indicate that baby is not getting enough milk or you may want to ask for support? What kind of support do you need? What's the difference between an IBCLC and other lactation specialists?
Oct 1, 2016
31 min
Heidi discusses how many oz of pumped breastmilk a breastfed baby can be expected to take in during a day. What is paced bottle feeding and how does this help with babies who need to be separated from their nursing mother? What kind of breast pump do you need for your pumping situation?
Sep 24, 2016
35 min
In this episode of the More Than Milk Breastfeeding Podcast Heidi Kim discusses her experience with a breastfed baby that had a poor latch due to tongue tie and other oral anatomy issues such as high palate & lip tie. How did this affect milk transfer & nipple pain and trauma in breastfed babies? What is frenectomy & how do post release exercises work in tandem with body work such as cranial sacral therapy, chiropractic, suck training, & baby massage work to help a baby with oral anatomy issues latch? What do anterior & posterior ties mean?
Sep 17, 2016
24 min
What are some of the best ways to prepare to breastfeed while you are pregnant or expecting? Heidi tells about the breastfeeding class that she took at the Birth Center before her older daughter was born as well as some other fabulous resources such as support groups, books, and other podcasts.
Sep 10, 2016
24 min