The champ is in the building! For our 24th episode, @superrdavemma rolled through and talked about what pushed him to make this contract his final one, MMA training, modeling, and acting, the quickest ways to get into a female's panties, why do females make situations awkward, and more. Make sure to subscribe and like the YouTube channel! Name: David GrayMOS: 74DMixed Martial Artist/ model/ actorIG: _superrdavemmaTwitter: _superrdaveYouTube: SUPERRTV
Nov 30, 2021
1 hr 10 min

This week, we had @simply_keiry come by the podcast.We talked about Oklahoma’s new national guard General halted the Covid 19 mandate, if @usarmywtf is disgracing the military, dealing with life’s L’s, if we should give out hall passes, and more.
Nov 16, 2021
1 hr 34 min

Pistol’s, communication, and waxed lips!! This week, we ran it back and got @deliciousdeosha to fill in for @miss_ceci_ We talked about if chivalry still exists, the difference between penetration stimulation and clitoris stimulation, why do guys say they like you and then back off when the relationship starts to get heavy, gender-swapping for a day, and much more!!Tune in Tuesday on iTunes and Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube pageMake sure to watch Insecure on #hbomax
Nov 9, 2021
1 hr 16 min

Ain’t no shame in a man's silkie game! We had the pleasure of having Chad Salinero as our guest for episode 21.Tune in Tuesday on Spotify and iTunes as we talked about his involvement with Irreverent Warriors, enlisting in the army at the age of 37, forfeiting our amendments as service members, Ceci’s Snapchat, and Home Depot experiences, and more.www.irreverentwarriors.com
Oct 26, 2021
1 hr 10 min

It’s been asking for a hot minute and now he’s on. We have Metcalf on the 20.5 episode (inside joke) of mtau.Tune in as we talk about dealing with entitled soldiers, comradery in one unit then getting lost in the next, if open and long-distance relationships work, is the dick game more important than stamina/endurance, and more.Eddie L Metcalf Jr88MSC: edwillie36IG: mister_poohbearTikTok: @themetcalfs2021
Oct 19, 2021
1 hr 5 min

The army wives-dependent community is not what it all seems. @k.i.l.l.a_t speaks on how the majority of these wives ain’t it. Tune in Tuesday as we talked about dealing with kids while the spouse is deployed/training, basic make up tips, big/small dick stereotypes, if women love their breasts jiggled or sucked, and more. Name: Tiffany Lomboy Business: KillaBeauty IG: k.i.l.l.a_tBusiness IG: killabeauty_mua SC: its_killat
Oct 5, 2021
1 hr 3 min

First, and foremost, we would like to welcome @miss_ceci_ to the @_morethanauniform podcast as our new co-host! Second, we had the pleasure of having our first game streamer, @rob_prz_ Tune in Tuesday on Spotify and iTunes as spoke about how to make money as a game streamer, dishwashers, paper and plastic utensils, masturbation and more. Name- Robert PerezMos 88MIg-rob_prz_
Sep 28, 2021
1 hr 33 min

It was all about mo money mo problems in episode 17! Shoutout to our wonderful mechanic, @ezzyg , for rolling through the @_morethanauniform podcast. We talked about the importance of personal hygiene in the military, moving on from a stressful unit, her quick marriage, and how to maintain fuck buddies.Tune in Tuesday on Spotify and iTunes. Name: Esmeralda Guerrero MOS: 91B IG: ezzyg88 E-5(P)
Sep 14, 2021
1 hr 34 min

Ep 16, we had the pleasure of having @ohalexandria13 as a guest on the @_morethanauniform podcast. Little that we know, she's friends with our old guest from episode 5, @miss_ceci_ We had a great and fun time choppin it up with these two. we talk about suicide in the military, mental health, covid, how dating changed from then to now, sugar daddies, caca 💩 breath and more.SGT Alexandria GuerreroMos: 91D/92Y- Generator Mechanic and Unit SupplyBusiness: Affiliated with some veteran owned companiesSnap/IG- Ohalexandria13TikTok- Ohalexandria
Sep 6, 2021
1 hr 1 min

The beach bum, herself, stopped by! We had the pleasure of having @__peace_love4 as a guest on the @_morethanauniform podcast.We talked about mandated vaccinations, what's happening in Afghanistan, going from full twenty to her last enlistment contract, and more.
Aug 31, 2021
1 hr 9 min
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