Money Intelligence For the Greater Good Podcast

Money Intelligence For the Greater Good

Susan Wahhab
Imagine a world where poverty is replaced by prosperity. Imagine a world where financial independence enables freedom of choice. Imagine a world where we all can make a difference and contribute to society by not leaning on the government pennies for our future, but contributing our pennies to the government for our future generations. Such a world can exist. If you choose to take the first step. Together we can then create this world.Money Intelligence (MQ) provides you with everything you need to know about money: how to make it, how to manage it and how to invest it. Beacuse when you increase your MQ, you not only take charge of your financial future, you can create real social change.This podcast is meant to inspire you to lead yourself and take others on the journey with you. I will share with you the key financial and business skills that I learnt over the past 25 years as an accountant and financial adviser. I will also interview business people from all walks of life, revealing their stories of success and failure, and their secrets to overcoming challenges. So are you ready to change the way you think about money? Listen to Money Intelligence now and find out how you can improve your finances and leave a legacy of financial indepedence for the next generation.
How To Go From Zero To A Multi Million Dollar Business In 20 Years
Craig Wachholz never dreamt of becoming an Entrepreneur. He only wanted to be a musician and play his guitar. But after falling in love with the charismatic and power surfing woman, Brenda Miley, Craig co-founded and became the marketing force behind the iconic surf school Let's Go Surfing. He refers to himself as the accidental entrepreneur "we didn't think let's go out there and run a business and make money. We were bumming around on the beach. We thought let's teach girls and kids how to surf. And then it began from the back of a combie van". Co-founding Let's Go Surfing with Brenda set him off on the business path wheeling and dealing with the mighty and powerful leaders of Tourism Australia. Twenty years ago there was no such thing as surfing tourism. But Craig changed all this by lobbying Tourism Australia to dedicate resources into surfing. "First we showed up to the meetings at Tourism Australia in suits. We lobbied and lobbied. Then once we won them over with our charm, we took off the suits mask and showed up in boards, thongs and rashies! It was controversial at the time but they let us in. Now surfing has its own division and budget at Tourism Australia" Craig has good honest to goodness advice for those who want to grow their small business: 1. You got to look at your business like surfing. In business, there's never a perfect day. Things are always changing. Every time you go out for a wave it's never a perfect wave. You get smashed with a big set and if you want to enjoy the incredible moment where you can stand on a wave and ride it to the shore, you have to work your butt off to get the perfect wave. That's the same with business, if you want to enjoy the fruits of the business you need to work hard and bounce back when you fall. 2. You need to surround yourself with a cheer squad - your partner, employees, accountant, business mentor, financial adviser. 3. You need to keep one eye on the sales and one eye on the costs. It won't work if you take your eyes off both or one of them. 4. There is no point making millions and you leave relationships behind. Look after your employees and the people who support your business and balance your life between business and family. Craig shares that he feels guilty when he leaves his family for work. This guilt is not only the woman's domain. But he tries to include his 14 year old daughter with their business, attending trade shows and Enjoy listening to an amazing man who loves his business, surfing, music and his family. What more would you want?
Feb 20, 2018
35 min
How To Prepare Yourself For The Gig Economy - Interview With Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson is a resilient and determined business woman. She bought her first home when she was 18 years old, survived a divorce, left her well paid corporate job and started her business 10 years ago. She had to learn fast how to attract clients and keep her new startup business going. Jane is a personal brand expert and and one of 12 LinkedIn Influencers in Australia & NZ & her blog has been voted in the top 25 branding blogs globally. She holds one of the top 1% viewed LinkedIn profiles & is the host of the "Jane Anderson Show" Podcast. She was nominated for Telstra Business Women Awards in 2014 & 2016. In this episode, Jane shares her tips on how to stay relevant at work in this fast changing world. She recommends that each one of us must look at ourselves as a business and work on our 3 year and 10 year plan just like what a business does. She believes that the risk that people face in their careers is sitting in a job thinking it's going to be there forever. Find out how you can stay ahead and listen to an accomplished and down to earth business woman. For the listeners of the podcast, Jane is offering a free diagnostic tool to help you generate more leads and sales in your business. Click on the link here to do the free test (valued at $80)
Jan 29, 2018
50 min
What Surfing Can Teach You About Business - Interview With Brenda Miley
Brenda Miley is the co-founder of award winning surf school, Let's Go Surfing. Together with her husband Craig Wachholz, she started the business from the back of a Kombi van at Bondi beach in 1995. Let's Go Surfing spans now iconic beaches Bondi, Maroubra and Byron Bay. A steady stream of famous people have visited the school since, including Pamela Anderson, Richard Branson, Gerard Butler, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman and Bill Gates. When Brenda started the industry was dominated by male surfers. She wanted to make surfing available to girls and women. Her company Lets Go Surfing has won more than 20 awards including three last year at the North Coast Tourism, NSW Tourism and Brightest & Best award nights. In the episode of the Money Intelligence for the Greater Good, Brenda advises anyone who wants to start a business to "go for it" if you want to be in control of your destiny. She likens surfing to business and believes both need a hard working ethic, a "no give up" attitude, and consistent work. She attributes her secret to success to 4 things: Surround yourself with people you can ask for help, take time out for yourself and take care of yourself and be of service to others.
Dec 8, 2017
42 min
Love Life And Live Your Truth - Interview With Lauren Jobson
Having experienced hypnosis when she was 16 years old that allowed her to overcome years of chronic pain, Lauren's life had changed forever. It was from that experience onward she knew that in this lifetime it would be her mission to share that feeling of empowerment with as many people as she could- to help others realise their infinite potential. In the 7 years that she has trained NLP, Matrix Therapies, Hypnosis & now, Archetypal Coaching, she has taught literally hundreds of people that say she transcends age with her wisdom & guidance. Tune in to this episode and listen to Lauren share about how she started her business, her money habits, her values that contribute to her success and what she is grateful for. To find out more about Lauren's business, visit
Nov 12, 2017
43 min
Designing Human Centric Cities - Interview With Architect Felicity Stewart
For a young Gen Y Architect, Felicity Stewart has big ideas. She envisages society moving towards human centric cities where the people (not cars) own the public space. Felicity co-founded Stewart Hollenstein - an innovative architecture practice - with her university colleague Matthias Hollenstein with the purpose of putting meaningful human experiences at the centre of the design process. In this episode of Money Intelligence for the Greater Good podcast, Felicity shares about winning the Green Square Library and Plaza competition, the challenges of starting out the business, the future of architecture, her money habits, the values that drive her success and what she is grateful for. Shortly after recording the episode, Felicity and her partner welcomed her son Harvey into this world. She is looking forward to taking up the next challenge in her life - balancing business and motherhood. Her practice Stewart Hollenstein is a reflection of her and Matthias's values - help the people live a quality life in their urbanised city by making public space be theirs to use. For more information visit their website-
Nov 5, 2017
51 min
How To Win At Life Without Losing The Plot - Interview With Angela Heise
Since the age of sixteen, Angela Heise spent the past four decades learning about emotional intelligence. What started as a curious personal learning experience became a lifelong journey of study and practice of this work with thousands of people over the past 22 years.  Her passion for learning to improve our human condition is now leading her towards taking her work from the corporate world to the public. She wants the world to know how we can manage our emotions, especially the "negative angry frustrated" ones in a more productive way. She believes that the source of our suffering is due to our inability to deal with those emotions in a productive manner. Using tools and practices that Angela developed over the years to deal with these emotions allow us to rise above our human condition and become more peaceful within ourselves.  Angela will be running her public seminars in Brisbane 28-29 October 2017 and Sydney 18-19 November 2017. For more information on booking
Oct 23, 2017
38 min
The 10 Year Plan From Employee To Millionaire - Interview With Chris Popoff
Chris Popoff's CV ticks all the boxes of engineer turned entrepreneur and accredited investor. His career as an oil and gas engineer working for some of Canada's well-known energy companies led him to the world of finance and private equity investing. Working out financial models and discounted cash flow forecasts for big engineering projects paved the way for his next venture into finance which allowed him to reach his "enough money number" and live a financially comfortable lifestyle. He now helps young entrepreneurs ready to quit their corporate jobs to fast track their financial independence by buying established profitable businesses from soon to be retirees. His business "My First Seven" provides A-Z sourcing, matching, coaching and financing well run established businesses that young entrepreneurs can buy over a 5 year period to secure their "first seven figures" using a combination of bank business loan, private equity funding, and vendor finance. Instead of building up a startup that will take years to take off, Chris subscribes to fast-tracking your success through acquisition. He believes this is a win-win business model that allows business owners nearing their retirement to sell their business to the next generation of Millenials so they also secure their retirement and keep these companies and the economy going. "Who says you can't be a millionaire while you're still young enough to enjoy it?" Chris Popoff can show you how. You can reach him by emailing [email protected]. Chris also hosts his own podcast My First Seven. Subscribe to this podcast and learn more. But that's not all. Chris is not only an engineer and advisor. He is an advocate for eradicating energy poverty to 2 billion people on the planet. He believes we don't need to have a chasm between those with too much energy and those with not much. His energy company Terrestrial Energy aims at providing an alternative source of energy in nuclear technology. The company's proprietary Advanced Reactor technology is called Integral Molten Salt Reactor technology ("IMSR®" technology). It will revolutionise the way we use nuclear energy. And Chris is only 35 years old! He is a wise old soul whom I enjoyed talking with about life, family, connecting, win-win solutions as well as talking about finance, business and eradicating energy poverty around the world. This Millenial is the embodiment of wisdom, intelligence, and global citizenship. He forged his path to happiness by taking control of his finances, building his enterprise as well as co-founding a company whose vision is to balance the energy haves with the have-nots. To find out more about his amazing company click here
Oct 10, 2017
1 hr 12 min
What Does It Take To Live A Life Of Integrity? Interview With Sarah Cornally
Sarah Cornally is a thought leader, well known for her transformational and leadership work in the corporate field in Australia and the Asia Pacific. She is a sought-after adviser to CEO's and heads of industry and government. Her business and career success the past four decades is a testament to her high level of integrity and unconditional love and acceptance of everyone she meets. You will hear it in her voice as she shares about the ups and downs she faced in her business the past three decades. You will connect with a female role model who believes her career is a calling to make a difference in people's lives. She truly believes that as she helps leaders transform, so will their organisations and naturally our society. Meet one of Australia's female leaders deeply committed to creating our best possible futures through her transformational leadership philosophy as she shares about her early years in business, motherhood, values, and gratitude. For more information on Sarah's work, click here to know more If you have any questions about the show or have any feedback, contact me directly [email protected]. If you are a creative entrepreneur with a story, idea or words of wisdom and you would like to share your vision on this podcast, please leave your message here
Oct 3, 2017
1 hr 9 min
How To Become A Financial Fairy Godmother - Interview With Gabriella Horak
Gabriella Horak is a facilitator, keynote speaker and mentor. She shares her business vision of changing people, teams and organisations through bite size improvements and slight edge adjustments rather than taking on massive changes that fail to stick in the long term. She is a big advocate for continuous learning and development to improve one's personal and professional life. Her vision for her life - once she becomes financially independent - is to become a Financial Fairy Godmother ready to help those around her should they find themselves struggling financially due to unforeseen circumstances. She believes that the secret to her success and happy attitude is due to her gratitute journal that she writes in everyday. This gratitude journal reminds her of the many blessings she has in her life including her family, friends and last but not least coffee and wine! For more information on Gabriella's work, click here to know more If you have any questions about the show or have any feedback, contact me directly [email protected]. If you are a creative entrepreneur with a story, idea or words of wisdom and you would like to share your vision on this podcast, please leave your message here
Sep 14, 2017
41 min
Empowerment Begins With Financial Education - Interview With Helia Singh
Helia Singh is a fellow financial coach who is not afraid talking about financial abuse in relationships. Helia is an inspiring and dynamic financial coach who wants to share her financial knowledge with people all over the world. She believes that if you love what you do, you can overcome anything including the naysayers. She wants people especially women to become financially educated and take control of their money. Financial abuse is a phenomenon she sees can be tackled through financial literacy. Her vision for giving back to the community is to setup an orphanage for girls to ensure they receive the right education and achieve their potential. Helia's personal journey is a testament to her message of independence and overcoming self-limiting beliefs. For more information on Helia's work, click here to know more If you have any questions about the show or have any feedback, contact me directly [email protected]. If you are a creative entrepreneur with a story, idea or words of wisdom and you would like to share your vision on this podcast, please leave your message here
Sep 12, 2017
41 min
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