Moments with Martha - with Martha Nino Podcast

Moments with Martha - with Martha Nino

Martha Nino
A Silicon Valley professional of 20+ years and first-generation immigrant. My life was hard but with the help of amazing people, overcame. We can overcome hard stuff, we can and we can talk about it too. Our voice can help others talk about their own story - I am proof.
Chat with Jalyll Suarez - CUBA, Lost at Sea as a Child/Author of Six Days in a Paper Boat
Jalyll Suarez talks to me about life in Cuba in the late 80s as a child under the Fidel Castro leadership, why his mother decided it was time to leave, his experience lost in the ocean for 6 days and his struggle as a gay young man and how he has come to peace with everything ... hint, its LOVE!
Jul 15, 2023
45 min
Teacher Anna Maria Magallon on Education
Teacher Anna Maria Magallon, a Central Valley Award Winning Teacher talks to me about what its like in the classroom. How kids in the most vulnerable places are affected by lack of reading, lack of guidance. How kids need role models urgently.
Apr 2, 2023
41 min
Khoi Le - An immigrant story from Vietnam. From troublemaker in school to Founder of a company. It is possible!
Many immigrant kids often believe they have only one path in their lives.  I talked with Khoi Le; founder of ConvoyOP and master coder. He is also a Vietnamese immigrant. He goes deep into his experience as a young child in the U.S. how despite getting in trouble in school he become a developer guru.  Us two troublemakers explored how immigrant children can create an abundant future in fields that are not the traditional path for foreigners and how similar their immigration stories can be, despite my Mexican heritage and Khoi being from the other side of the world.    To contact Martha go to [email protected]
Dec 2, 2022
27 min
CODER PIONEER, EDUCATOR and 40X AUTHOR (~1M Books in circulation) – BEN FORTA on how learning code before he had a computer changed everything. He is passionate for changing the lives of children!
If you are a leader, an educator, person entering the work force or just curious about tech in general - this episode is for you. Did you ever wonder what it’s like to speak to a pioneer you admire so much he leaves you giddy? You will hear this here. What you will also hear is how Ben (from the U.K.) struggled with fitting into school. How he speaks about the being a “hyper kid” but through his self-discovery and with his parents' support has been able to overcome and has been a leader in the tech and educator world for years. He also gives advice on what will make you stand out from others giving you fighting chance for that job! 
Aug 22, 2022
43 min
The Power of Heart _ Creator of "Hell@ Latina" Podcast / Odalys Jasmine Garcia Arce
Odalys’s passion is to share the different sides of different Latinos from all over the world.  It is this reason she began her amazing podcast Hell@ Latina! She sheds light and with her various amazing guests peels the onion of “latinidad” – we are NOT all the same. I have followed Odalys’s journey and I’ve seen her come into her own. She openly speaks about her parent’s immigrant story from Honduras. She speaks about how she felt like an outsider as kid from Honduran background in a primarily Mexican part of the world. How she was homeless and how even her beautiful name “Odalys” was hidden for many years.  Through all of her life she has been observing, her heart taking note details of struggle and at a very young age makes sense of them. Her podcast helps all of us make sense of so much. Enjoy our talk and here is her podcast Peace and Love everyone.
Nov 6, 2021
54 min
Networking for Hustlers -Tips from Brett Murray and Mark Aceves, both have had great postions in the Silicon Valley and at top companies. All of us would refer each other in an instant. WHY? Enjoy ;-)
Networking for Hustlers!  Brett Murray and Mark Aceves both have worked with me in the past at different companies in the Silicon Valley - yet, here we are a couple decades later talking about it. How is it that we can still be part of each others network years later. Enjoy the chat, refelctions and know it boils down to simple things that last. Learn from the good, the bad.
Oct 26, 2021
57 min
Bronwyn Saglimbeni (Sormell) - Master Communicator! Coach to over 150 Ted-Ex Speakers and Oprah Guests!
Bronwyn blew my mind!!! She sat down with me and we talked about stories, how to nail an interview and how to bomb one too ;-o)  We discuss how to tell a story, how to use them,  we discuss "social currency", we talked about the impact of not feeling good enough. In this chat we talk about what people DON'T talk about but need to. 
Oct 9, 2021
41 min
Fernando Zeledon - Mi amigo TICO! From Costa Rican Roots to L.A. Teacher, Uber Driver, Tech Pro – All created a bridge that led to the next best thing.
Fernando’s family came to the U.S.A. from Costa Rica. He speaks to us about how not all immigrants come here in poverty. Some come here to redefine themselves and they are educated. He ended up in L.A. and later became a teacher….just like his abuela. As he speaks to me, I see him jump from one amazing thing to the next and each jump was a BRIDGE and sometimes he created the BRIDGE – even if the bridge came in the form of a blank sign up paper. 
Oct 4, 2021
44 min
Storytelling Must Knows - Tanya (Mathur) Bhattacharya
When I first heard Tanya's stories she was sitting attentive on a chair, looking straight into the camera during the pandemic in India. A light from across the world.  I was mesmerized by her ability to draw me in. I kept listening to her stories...she took me there. I had to have her on my show! Enjoy the in's and outs of storytelling by friend, Business Storyteller & Story Coach Tanya (Mathur) Bhattacharya.
Sep 28, 2021
40 min
Yumei Peterson_One day in Korea the next day she was in the USA at age 8,with no English knowledge. She became a teacher,she is a tech pro in sales-she is an ispiration. Get tips on interviewing too!
Reflecting on her experience as a child immigrant from Korea; what she went through, what it felt like to have a heavy responsibily with the most important people in her life - her family. She also gives us incredible tips on how to sell ourselves in an interview and why its so important to be authentically us during that interview.  Enjoy!
Sep 18, 2021
43 min
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