Modern Myth Podcast

Modern Myth

APN - Tristan Boyle
All too often we talk about fake news and alternative facts as if they are new concepts. In reality history itself is constructed, and thus constrained by its authors, we have as a society taken this as truth and unfortunately there is more to history that just the past.
Heritage Traineeships with Phoenix Archer - Episode 16 - Modern Myth
It is always important to be open to hearing both when things go well and also when there are serious issues. In the UK, there is a feeling that systemic racism is either overemphasised or poses no real threat. However this ignorance leads to those who experience racism having to be suffer and work harder in order to have a normal life or employment.  In this conversation I am speaking to Phoenix Archer who gained a certification in Conservation with Historic Environment Scotland, a traineeship facilitated by the Next Step Initiative. Next Step provide opportunities for BAME individuals for traineeships and training in Scotland.  Phoenix tells me about her experiences at HES, based at the Engine Shed in Stirling, Scotland. She tells me about the difficulties of moving to a new city, living in a hostel before find accommodation as well as experiencing harassment at work. Despite writing letters to her managers, and making it known that she felt uncomfortable, it all seemed to fall on deaf ears.  Phoenix works for several organisations, including St Machar's Cathedral in Aberdeen, Ahead of the Game - Application and CV services and new in October BIPOC and them some, which seeks to highlight BIPOC representation in arts and Media.
Oct 9, 2020
1 hr
The Modern Myth of Archaeology in Nigeria with Ajayi Boluwaji - Episode 15
This episode was a privileged to record, I sat down with Ajayi Boluwaji, an archaeology based in Nigeria to talk about the similarities and differences when working in that part of the world. We discuss the colonial hangover that has greatly affected the perception of archaeology as well as the perceived economic disadvantage to doing archaeology. Ajayi describes how community archaeology is the way forward, in order to unravel and better interpret the past in Nigeria, by connecting people to their heritage and demonstrate the capability of the populations who lived in Nigeria, hundreds or thousands of years ago. He describes how his Yoruba heritage informs the work he does and where his passion for archaeology comes from. We also discuss what archaeologists around the world can do to help and support their colleagues in Nigeria. For more information you can find I ask about regional differences in archaeology and about conferences that happen in Nigeria for archaeologists. Archaeological Association of Nigeria Conference - Link Archaeological Association of Nigeria Facebook Page
Aug 21, 2020
45 min
God Save the Archaeological Record with Bill Caraher - Ep 14
It's your lucky day, punk. It's time to tear down walls and explore what the meaning of Punk Archaeology is and see what its perspective has to offer archaeology as a whole. I talk to Bill Caraher, who maintains the blog, Archaeology of the Mediterranean World and was also involved in the Archaeology Un-conference that spawned the book Punk Archaeology. We begin with his journey into archaeological through latin classes and then Classics, then after doing exams, decided to be an archaeologist. Bill has studied and worked in Greece at sites like Isthmia and led projects in Cyprus. We discuss working in different parts of the world and how archaeology can have a profound affect on local communities, especially if they feel part of the history making. Bill talks about working with temporary workers during and after the North Dakota oil boom, where resources were extracted from the Bakken formation. Hours of video, interviews and paper documentation were made in order to understand temporary living places and people's relation to place. Perhaps archaeology should be more open and encouraging, but in what ways can it develop if the same people are at the forefront? Bill also mentions that if anyone is interested in publishing that they should contact him or
Jul 29, 2020
58 min
Archaeology in Germany with Michaela Schauer - Ep 13
Archaeology around the world may be different but the different ways in which countries operate may surprise you in their similarities, particularly when it comes to the things that could be better. Today's episode I sit down with Michaela Schauer who was one of the founding members of CIfA Deutschland. As a relatively new organization in Germany, CIfA Deutschland used the blueprint laid out by Chartered Institute for Archaeologists in the UK and adapted it to what was needed in Germany. We discuss the challenges of getting people on board and how getting involved is a way of things changing and improving.There was recently a survey of archaeologists in Germany, including students and companies to report wages, conditions. One of their findings was that there are not enough archaeologists in Germany.There are a number of other organizations including DGUF (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Ur und Fruhgeschicte) which hertiage professionals can be part of, but CIfA aims to provide a broad coalition from all areas and subjects of study. Michaela tells me about her work on pottery and the chemical analysis that can be done to determine how they used and shine a light on early populations that lived on European continent. Siegmund, F., Scherzler D. (2018). Einführung in die DGUF-Tagung am 4. Juli 2017 in Mainz. „Ein Berufsverband für die Archäologie?“, Archäologische Informationen 41, 15-20. - Schauer, M. (2018). Bericht über das Online-Forum "DGUF-Vortagung 2017 – Ein Berufsverband für die Archäologie?", 6. März bis 9. Juni 2017, Archäologische Informationen 41, 31-54. - Scherzler, D., Schauer, M., Hesse, S., Rauhaus, J., Rind, M. M., Deutscher, L. (2018). Ein Berufsverband für die Archäologie? Zusammenfassung der Debatten beim World Café auf der DGUF-Tagung am 4. Juli 2017 in Mainz, Archäologische Informationen 41, 99-108. - These links refere to the online-conference and conference we did on the question of Germany needs an professional association. In our talk yesterday I mentioned the second which is a report about the online-conferenc and mentiones how CIfA got involved in Germany. Siegmund, F., Scherzler D. (2019). Die derzeitige Wirtschaftslage in der privatwirtschaftlichen Archäologie Deutschlands – DGUF-Monitoring-Report privatwirtschaftliche Archäologie 2019. Archäologische Informationen 42, 78-98. - Siegmund, F., Scherzler D. & Schauer, M. (2020). DGUF-Umfrage "Evaluation Beruf Archäologie", 10. 6. 2019 - 31. 10. 2019: Durchführung und Teilnehmer der Umfrage (EvaBA 1). DGUF-Preprint, online publiziert 23. März 2020. -  Siegmund, F., Schauer, M. & Scherzler D. (2020). Löhne und Gehälter in der deutschen Archäologie – Auswertung der DGUF-Umfrage "Evaluation Beruf Archäologie", 10. 6. 2019 - 31. 10. 2019 (EvaBA 2). DGUF-Preprint, online publiziert 28. Mai 2020. - Siegmund, F. (2020). Die Studierenden- und Absolventenzahlen in den Fächern Ur- und Frühgeschichte sowie Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit im Jahr 2019. Archäologische Informationen 43, Early View, online publiziert 16. April 2020. - Schauer, M., Mietz, M. & Schneider, J. (2020). CIfA-Umfrage 2020 zu Lohnuntergrenzen in der privatwirtschaftlichen Archäologie (Arbeitspapiere CIfA Deutschland 2). Archäologische Informationen 43, Early View, online publiziert 28. April 2020. -
Jul 24, 2020
1 hr 1 min
The Modern Myth : A conversation with Amy Nuttall
In this episode of Modern Myth I sit down with MA student Amy Nuttall to talk about ADHD and the common myths, and how it has shaped her university experience. She talks about her ungraduate studies, including spending time in a tent on the Welsh coast, in order to dig up ancient sites there. We discuss the ways in which archaeology could possibly be better for people with ADHD and talk about Amy's upcoming MA work that is about bellows and metallurgy.
Jun 17, 2020
51 min
Between a Broch and a Hard Place - Caithness Broch Project - Episode 11
What time is it? It’s time to Broch! In this episode I speak to Iain Maclean and Kenneth McIlroy of the Caithness Broch Project about building a Neolithic monument, the beginnings of the project and whether you should play music inside a Broch. Find out about the history of this ancient building structure and what the future is in the Caithness area in Scotland.    If you want to find out more you can head on over to their website or follow them on Twitter and Facebook
Jun 4, 2020
57 min
The Modern Myth of MWAH with Rosie Loftus
Content warning : Discussion about Harassment and mentions of sexual assault Today's episode features Rosie Loftus, Assistant Supervisor for CFA Archaeology, based in the UK. She is also one of the founding members of Mentoring Women in Archaeology and Heritage.We discuss the creation of MWAH and the kind of efforts it supports, and explore examples of why such a group may be necessary in our current world.   Information about the award ceremony where Dani Bradford was awarded the Marsh prize for Early Career Researcher Mentoring Women in Archaeology and Heritage Facebook Group  Bajr Guide on Sexual Harrassment   Prospect Trade Union Seeing Red Guide
May 13, 2020
55 min
The Modern Myth of Step Back History (Featuring Tristan Johnson)  -Modern Myth - Episode 9
Its time for Tristan Vs Tristan! In this classic re-telling of the movie Face Off, Tristan Boyle and Tristan Johnson go head to head to find out who the real Tristan is,. Only kidding, Tristan Johnson is the content creator behidn the Youtube channel StepBack History, which seeks to talk about history in a meaningful way. During this episode Tristan J outlines the reasons why he started the youtube channel and what he aims to achieve; how we reach out to certain audiences, especially those susceptible to alt-right indoctrination and sympathetic to right wing memes. We also cover how history is changed by who tells it and even talk about the End and now restart of History. Check out StepBack History on Youtube Follow Tristan J on Twitter
Mar 25, 2020
1 hr 10 min
The Modern Myth of Foreign Policy with Dylan Burns - Modern Myth - Episode 8
This is a very special episode of Modern Myth. We are talking all about foreign policy, what it is, how it affects our lives and why it is important that we are open about it. In this episode I talk to the youngest foreign policy advisor in the United States of America, Dylan Burns about foreign policy and its connection to heritage and history. We discuss modern conflicts and the relations between countries as well as what it means for repatriation in the future.  Also at the end of the discussion because this was livestreamed with Dylan, I answered some of the questions given to me in the chat. LinksYou can watch Dylan discuss politics, articles and more over at or follow him on Twitter Dr Donna Yates work can be found at Trafficking Culture Insurgent Empire is written by Dr. Priyamvada Gopal, whom I interviewed in this episode of Modern Myth. Contact Tristan [email protected]
Feb 28, 2020
1 hr 38 min
The Archaeology and Anthropology Podcast with Dr Michael Rivera - Modern Myth - Episode 7
To welcome in the new year, Tristan speaks to Dr. Michael Rivera, who is the creator of the Archaeology and Anthropology Podcast. We discuss the process leading up to the podcast’s creation, how to think about and plan ahead and be ready to release episodes. Michael explains the purpose of his podcast as well as the benefit of getting a diverse set of voices broadcast to a wide audience.  The Arch and Anth podcast releases 3 times a week, featuring guests from all areas exploring humanity’s history and development. Check out the social media and if you would like to support Michael in his work you can become a Patron through Patreon. Links Arch and Anth Pod Twitter / Instagram / Patreon
Jan 8, 2020
50 min
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