When we take responsibility for our own lives, the world begins to open up to us. Owning your crap, and requiring the same of those around you is the fastest and best way to take control of the chaos in your life and build happiness.
Apr 28, 2021
17 min

Building meaningful relationships is a key to long term growth and success. Only through nurturing are we able to maintain relationships that last for years and decades. Examine the 5 people you see most, and ask yourself if theirs is a life you'd want. If that answer is NO, change your circle.
Apr 2, 2021
15 min

Learning to work through disappointment and adversity is a key skill in life. Often as business owners or employees, we get down trodden and make it difficult to see the positive in any situation. If we allow ourselves the opportunity to learn and to grow from each disappointment we will come out the other side better for it.
Mar 20, 2021
13 min

It really is the "Little Things" that we do everyday that make us who and what we are. By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass. The habits that we engage in are what lead us to our character, and have a compounding effect on our lives. Choosing habits that will help us be happy seems easy... But then why don't we do it more?
Mar 8, 2021
17 min

The Bible says "Judge not, lest ye be Judged". But really, if we are being true to ourselves we will stop judgement of ourselves as well as others. Judgement and Generosity are inversely linked. One cannot exist while the other does.
Mar 2, 2021
15 min

Life is 10% what happens and 905 how we react. The Power of Perspective helps us to see the world as it truly is and enables us to help those around us achieve a state of Harmony. Use this power, and make your life better.
Feb 18, 2021
14 min

Are you a Builder? Do you build a business or other people up. Do you have the drive to help others? Or are you a Wrecker, who only goes about tearing down what others have built?
Feb 12, 2021
14 min

How comfortable are YOU while you are uncomfortable? Do you actively look to put yourself in a position to grow? So you look for opportunities to overcome difficult obstacles? Jason Van Camp sits down with JR to talk about how getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is the key to success in all areas of life.
Feb 3, 2021
23 min

Sometimes in the hustle of life we have to slow down to speed up. We have to quit talking to be heard, and we have to surround ourselves with silence in order to hear. Seeking out stillness and quiet will help us to find inner peace and outward success.
Jan 29, 2021
12 min

Getting rejected is part of playing the game. But its not HOW the rejection happens that is important, its how you MOVE FORWARD after the rejection. There is no growth without pain, and Rejection hurts.
Jan 21, 2021
16 min
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