Ministry to Parents Podcast Podcast

Ministry to Parents Podcast

Chris Sasser, Kerry Ray, and Amy Diller
The Ministry to Parents Podcast is for church leaders that share our passion to see families thrive! Each episode, Elisabeth and Jeremy Lee will share ideas on how to care for your own soul, how to build a solid plan for parent ministry, how to encourage parents through the parenting journey, and how to help parents lead their kids spiritually. They’ll do this with honest, real, very raw, and funny conversations. Every episode includes insights from guests and practical help from church leaders just like you. They also play silly games, talk technology, and do anything they can to share a laugh together. For free resources and show notes, visit
#065: Marching Through the Madness
The madness of March has made it to the Ministry to Parents Podcast. This month we have the usual suspects (Sass, Kerry, and Amy), but we add our friend Brian Housman of and ScreenSmartParent. We have a great conversation about how we, as ministry leaders and parents ourselves, can navigate the chaos and madness of the world as well as how we can build our ministries in a way that can help families navigate the madness too. We all need to figure out how to live in the world but not get overcome by it. There is lots of wisdom dropped in this episode, so take some time to check it out.
Mar 1, 2023
51 min
#064: All Things Dating & Relationships
The month of February is often filled with thoughts of love, dating, and everything that surrounds this topic that never goes away. In this month’s podcast, Sass, Kerry, and Amy talk about specific ways that leaders in both kids’ ministry and youth ministry can broach these conversations. Oh yeah, and don’t forget the parents!  Not only do we need to be talking to kids and teens about this, but we need to have a plan to talk to parents about this critical area of life and help them lead their kids in a healthy way. We give you some practical ideas and hear a story (from Kerry) that you won’t soon forget!
Feb 1, 2023
40 min
#063: My One Word
As we kick off a new year, a world full of new possibilities and resolutions awaits us. Some will find the blank canvas of 2023 invigorating, while others will see it as panic-inducing or just the start of another year of broken promises you made to yourself. In this episode of the M2P Podcast, Sass, Amy, and Kerry talk about a resource, My One Word, that you can use to better navigate the possibilities and lose the long list of broken resolutions by doing something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. You will want to utilize this resource yourself and pass it along to the parents and families in your church. Take a listen to this episode and consider what it would look like for you and those around you to step into the new year differently.
Jan 1, 2023
41 min
#062: Living From a Place of Rest
As we all know, December can be crazy both at church and at home. If we’re honest, life can be crazy both at church and in the home. In this episode, Sass, Kerry, and Amy talk about how, as ministry leaders, we need to learn to slow down and rest. This rest shouldn’t be reserved for time off and vacations, but we should learn how to incorporate rest into our normal rhythm of life and have a mindset that values rest. Our rest should be a real, deep rest that focuses on God and our relationship with him instead of a Netflix binge kind of rest that the world offers. If we’re going to be the leaders that God wants us to be, we have to learn how to make rest a normal and natural part of life so that we can live from the strength that this rest provides. We need to learn how to lean into the Lord as he says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
Dec 1, 2022
31 min
#061: Helping Parents Get In the Game
The month of November is full of lots of games, from the many football (and other) games that a lot of us watch to the family games we’ll play over the holidays. It can be a lot of fun! We’re all also a part of the game of life, which hopefully includes a growing and vibrant faith in God. In this month’s M2P Podcast, we talk about how we, as ministry leaders, can be in the game ourselves and how we can help parents be in the game when it comes to helping their kids grow in their faith. There are lots of practical things we can do to coach parents in this direction, so grab your clipboard and your whistle, and let’s go!
Oct 31, 2022
38 min
#060: Building Healthy Relationships at Home
In episode 060, Sass, Kerry, and Amy sit down to talk a little college football and engage in a conversation about building strong and healthy relationships in the home. We believe that relationships are at the foundation of our lives and that we are created to have healthy community through relationships, starting with those in our own families. So, listen in as the M2P gang talks about equipping parents within our ministries on how to build stronger relationships with their kids/teens that will last a lifetime. And how we, as parents with kids of our own, can do the same.
Oct 1, 2022
35 min
#059: Under Pressure - Navigating the Pressure to Perform
Under pressure – cue the beat we all recognize from the collab of David Bowe and Queen (or maybe you recognize it more from Vanilla Ice). Either way, this month's M2P podcast is laser-focused on helping parents and ministry leaders better navigate the incredible pressure we are all under to perform. Whether you have a ministry parent trying to lead their kids or teenagers into a healthy mindset or you're a children's or youth ministry leader trying to live into the calling you have received, this podcast has something for you! Join Sass, Amy, and Kerry on this episode as they discuss navigating in the heat of the summer along with the heat that is the pressure to perform.
Sep 1, 2022
39 min
#058: Building a Healthy and Sustainable Rhythm for You and Your Family
We all know how schedules can spiral out of control and how easy it is for us all to fall into a pace of life and ministry that will run us ragged. This month Sass, Amy, and Kerry talk about practical ways to both help families develop a healthy rhythm and pace of life and how ministry leaders can develop a healthy rhythm and sustainable pace in ministry. They offer some practical tips and big-picture thoughts that will help you evaluate your ministry and help families in your church.
Aug 1, 2022
22 min
#057: The Importance Of Building A Parent Ministry Plan
Without having a parent ministry plan that equips parents to lead out and live out the Gospel at home with their child, your children’s or youth ministry will never truly thrive. In this episode, new M2P podcast hosts Chris Sasser, Amy Diller, and Kerry Ray discuss children’s ministry, youth ministry,, and the importance of building a parent ministry plan. If you are looking for a way to take the confusion out of ministering to parents, this podcast is a great place to start.
Jul 1, 2022
29 min
Something New is Coming to M2P - Episode 0
Something new is coming to M2P and you do not want to miss out!
Jun 29, 2022
3 min
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