Mini Magic : A Witchcraft Podcast for Kids Podcast

Mini Magic : A Witchcraft Podcast for Kids

Andrea Stein
A witchy podcast for kids hosted by Andrea Stein, author of C is for Coven and Brina: A Pagan Picture Book.
19: Celebrating Lughnasadh
A sabbat episode of Mini Magic chatting about the August 1st celebration of Lughnasadh (or Lammas). We going to go over the history and mythology, starting in Ancient Ireland with the god Lugh throwing honorary funeral games in celebration of his mother, and then give some suggestions for things kids can do with family or friends to make their Lughnasadh special.  We finish up with a listener question about Wicca. Remember you can always submit a question to be answered on the podcast by going to Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book, C is for Coven, and Sunday the Sea Witch. Find us online at On Instagram @moondustpress. On Facebook at
Jul 29, 2021
17 min
18: Questions & Answers
Our very first all Q&A episode. This episode is exactly what it sounds like. You asked, I answer. We go through questions from listeners about a huge range of topics, like--Why don't we ever see boy witches? Are there pets that are considered witchy? Can witches fix things like in Harry Potter? Can humans understand animals? Join us for real life questions from real life kids, answered by a real life witch.  Remember you can always submit a question to be answered on the podcast by going to  Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book, C is for Coven, and Sunday the Sea Witch. Find us online at On Instagram @moondustpress. On Facebook at
Jun 30, 2021
12 min
17: Celebrating Litha
Mini Magic is back after a brief hiatus! On this special sabbat episode, we explore the summer solstice celebration of Litha, also sometimes called Midsummer. We chat about the origins of summer solstice celebrations, dating all the way back to the Stone Age with the construction of Stonehenge. Correspondences for plants, colors, and crystals are all covered before giving practical ideas for how kids can celebrate the solstice this year.  We finish with a listener question: Can witches and fairies be friends? Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book, C is for Coven, and Sunday the Sea Witch.  Find us online at On Instagram @moondustpress. On Facebook at
Jun 16, 2021
19 min
16: Kitchen Witchcraft with Madge
What is a kitchen witch? What do they really do? In this interview episode, Andi talks with Madge LaRue to break down what kitchen magic actually is and ways kids can start practicing it. Then we finish up with a listener question: Why are plants magic?  Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven. The latest Moon Dust Press book, Sunday The Sea Witch, can be found at Find us online at On Instagram @moondustpress. On Facebook at
May 5, 2021
22 min
15: Celebrating Beltane
A holiday episode of Mini Magic all about Beltane, the cross quarter fire festival. We go from origins of Beltane in Ireland and Scotland to correspondences like colors, herbs, and crystals. Then we move into modern celebrations of Beltane and suggestions for how kids can mark this day, like making a mini indoor maypole, crowning themselves the May Queen or King, and leaving an offering for the fairies.  We finish with a listener question: What is Luna's favorite Goddess Girls book, and are there flowers associated with certain sabbat days like Ostara? Listeners are also briefly introduced to the latest Moon Dust Press book, Sunday The Sea Witch. More information and pre-orders can be found at  Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven. Find us online at On Instagram @moondustpress. On Facebook at
Apr 28, 2021
19 min
14: Exploring The Zodiac
You've heard that big word before--astrology. But what does it really mean? Can the planets and stars really have an effect on who we are as people?  In episode 14, Andi guides listeners through simplifying the dictionary definition of astrology to make it more kid friendly and then exploring the 12 signs of the Tropical Zodiac. Beginning with Aries and working all the way through to Pisces, we talk about the elements associated with each sign, some of their stronger traits, and areas they might excel. Then we answer a listener question: Are there any magic schools for kids?  Hosted Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven. Find more info online at On Instagram at On Facebook at
Apr 14, 2021
25 min
13: Meditation with Vira
On the 13th episode of Mini Magic, Andi interviews yoga, tarot, and meditation teacher Vira to learn all about meditation. Vira explains what meditation is, the benefits, how it relates to magic, and then leads us through a relaxing guided meditation meant to get listeners back in touch with the inner workings of their minds and bodies. We also chat briefly about the fantastic and fun children’s book Vira illustrated, The Search for Syrup. You can find Vira online at this link: Check out The Search for Syrup: And huge thanks to Rusty for providing our music today! Find him here: Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven. Find more info online at On Instagram at On Facebook at
Mar 31, 2021
23 min
12: Palmistry with Paula
In the first ever Mini Magic interview episode, we're chatting with Paula Victoria of P is for Palmistry. Paula tells listeners how she began reading palms as a child and explains some of the most important takeaways she finds when looking at someone's hand, in addition to covering palm reading basics and origins. She also gives advice to aspiring kid readers before we end with a listener question:  How does magic relate to science? Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven.  You can find Paula at the following link: Find more info online at  On Instagram at On Facebook at
Mar 24, 2021
23 min
11: Celebrating Ostara Pt. 2
How do witches celebrate the spring equinox, also called Ostara? In part two of this holiday episode, we cover practical ways to celebrate Ostara at home, building an Ostara altar, color and crystal correspondences, and more. Then we answer two listener questions: Do you have to be born a witch? And can boys be witches? Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven.  Find us online at  On Instagram  On Facebook 
Mar 19, 2021
17 min
10: Celebrating Ostara Pt. 1
The first half of the Mini Magic Ostara episode. Andi and Luna talk about why witches celebrate Ostara, equinoxes as astrological events, links to the goddess of the same name, and mythology surrounding the springtime holiday. Stories include the tale of Ostara and the Hara and the myth of the Goddess Persephone's descent into the underworld.  Hosted by Andrea Stein, author of Brina: A Pagan Picture Book and C is for Coven.  Find us online at  On Instagram  On Facebook at
Mar 10, 2021
18 min
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