Mindfulness Mode
Mindfulness Mode
Bruce Langford
143 Passion and Mindfulness Goes Deep With Ultimate Frisbee Champion, Aaron Watson
34 minutes Posted Sep 7, 2016 at 5:01 pm.
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Aaron Watson is a champion of Ultimate Frisbee and he competes in

disc golf, Disc Dog (also known as Frisbee Dog), and other flying disc
competitions. He is also a coach of Ultimate Frisbee, coaching his team
to the championship game of the American Ultimate Disc League, also
known as AUDL.  At only 24 years old, Aaron is also creator and host of
the popular podcast, Going Deep with Aaron Watson, where he talks with a
wide array of people about their  passions, fears and problems.

Contact Info
  • Twitter: @AaronWatson59
  • Podcast: Going Deep With Aaron Watson
Most Influential Person
  • My coach, Nick Kacznarek from the University of Pittsburgh
Effect on Emotions
  • Emotional
    regulation and trying to be that cold-blooded warrior, the player who
    has ice in their veins and isn't fazed by a big crowd of bright lights.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Taking
    slow, deep breaths, whether I'm stressed out, something goes wrong,
    something falls apart. Taking the deep breaths to get some perspective
    on the challenges I'm facing, but also just to help regulate my own
    emotions and get back to a more rational, focused state.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
  • App: The Pomodoro App
Advice for Newbie


would challenge them to take six great breaths every single day. What
that means to me is, five seconds in through your nose, five seconds
out. If you take six great breaths of ten seconds each, that's one
minute out of your day.