Mindful Mondays Podcast
Mindful Mondays Podcast
Rachael Thompson
MM 50 Reflection: Naming & Taming Your Inner Beast
34 minutes Posted Apr 1, 2018 at 5:08 pm.
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“The name of my beast is comfort.” Prachel Carter
Find the full blog here: http://www.fearlessvixen.org/the-post-i-never-wanted-to-write/
We talked a lot on the show about overcoming your mental blocks, creating new healthier habits and behaviors, and really just becoming more of our authentic selves. And in this process, I'm sure that many of us have started to uncover things that hold us back in life, habits that are not so productive, and perhaps even started to uncover some of the emotional reasons behind these manifestations of habits or behavior patterns.
I really was compelled to share with you today how little bit more about this topic of things that keep us stuck, stagnant, and in our comfort zones, even when those comfort zones are not serving our highest and best good. And as always this topic has been inspired by things in my personal life as well as storied experiences from people in my life...
This podcast originally aired a few years ago, but still speaks to this crazy journey we call life!
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