In this episode Myrriah dives into the topic of equine therapy, with the research specifically focused on children. She reads from her research paper about the fascinating impact horses can have for trauma survivors. She discusses the way that horses specifically can be a therapeutic aid, even more so than canines! Part two to follow-with a deep dive into what got her interested in this topic, and some childhood stories.
Buck, P. W., Bean, N., & de Marco, K., (2017). Equine-assisted psychotherapy: An emerging
trauma-informed intervention. Advances in Social Work, 18(1), 387. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libproxy.chapman.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=edo&AN
Dunlop, K., & Tsantefski, M. (2018). A space of safety: Children’s experience of equine-assisted
group therapy. Child & Family Social Work, 23(1), 16–24. https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1111/cfs.12378
Ewing, C. A., MacDonald, P. M., Taylor, M., & Bowers, M. J. (2007). Equine-facilitated
learning for youths with severe emotional disorders: A quantitative and qualitative study. Child & Youth Care Forum, 36(1), 59–72. https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1007/s10566-006-9031-x=125527924&site=eds-live
Ford, C. (2013). Dancing with horses: Combining dance/movement therapy and equine
facilitated psychotherapy. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 35(2), 93-117. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10465-013-9156-z
McCullough, L. M. (2012). Effect of equine-facilitated psychotherapy on posttraumatic stress
symptoms in youth with history of maltreatment and abuse. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. ProQuest Information & Learning. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libproxy.chapman.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=psyh&AN=2012-99120-062&site=eds-live
Naste, T. M., Price, M., Karol, J., Martin, L., Murphy, K., Miguel, J., & Spinazzola, J., (2018).
Equine facilitated therapy for complex trauma (EFT-CT). Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 11(3), 289–303. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1007/s40653-017-0187-3
Yorke, J., Nugent, W., Strand, E., Bolen, R., New, J., & Davis, C. (2013). Equine-assisted
therapy and its impact on cortisol levels of children and horses: A pilot study and meta-analysis. Early Child Development and Care, 183(7), 874-894. doi:10.1080/03004430.2012.693486
Oct 12, 2021
23 min

In this episode Myrriah shares her research on the scientific reasons that yoga is amazing! She discusses the scientific studies that have shown the positive impacts a yoga practice can have on one's life! Yoga has been proven to help with stress, anxiety, mental health disorders, heart health, strength & flexibility, and much more. Coming from a background in psychology, Myrriah has always wanted to investigate the science behind improving mental health with mindfulness practices. Tune in to this episode for one long commercial for a regular yoga practice!
Büssing, A., Hedtstück, A., Sauer, S., Michalsen, A., Ostermann, T., & Heusser, P. (2012).
Associations between mindfulness, lightheartedness, and inner correspondence in yoga practitioners. Mindfulness, 3(3), 227–234. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1007/s12671-012-0098-1
Bukar, N. K., Eberhardt, L. M., & Davidson, J. (2019). East meets west in psychiatry: Yoga as
an adjunct therapy for management of anxiety. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 33(4), 371–376. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1016/j.apnu.2019.04.007
Dol, K. S. (2019). Effects of a yoga nidra on the life stress and self-esteem in university
students. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 35, 232–236. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1016/j.ctcp.2019.03.004
Gebauer, J. E., Nehrlich, A. D., Stahlberg, D., Sedikides, C., Hackenschmidt, A., Schick, D., …
Mander, J. (2018). Mind-body practices and the self: Yoga and meditation do not quiet the ego but instead boost self-enhancement. Psychological Science, 29(8), 1299–1308. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1177/0956797618764621
Gerber, M. M., Kilmer, E. D., & Callahan, J. L. (2018). Psychotherapeutic yoga demonstrates
immediate positive effects. Practice Innovations, 3(3), 212–225. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1037/pri0000074
Gotink, R. A., Vernooij, M. W., Ikram, M. A., Niessen, W. J., Krestin, G. P., Hofman, A., …
Hunink, M. G. M. (2018). Meditation and yoga practice are associated with smaller right amygdala volume: The Rotterdam study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 12(6), 1631–1639. Retrieved from https://doi-org.libproxy.chapman.edu/10.1007/s11682-018-9826-z
Oct 5, 2021
36 min

In this episode Myrriah records while driving home from yoga (and apologizes for sound quality differences). This week she talks about trying to stay mindful through difficulties. She shares how hard it can be to stay connected to your values and be mindful when you are feeling exhausted. She reminds us that these are the times we most need self compassion, self love, and snacks! This week's mindful moment encourages us to pause, reflect, and learn from life's hard things.
Sep 28, 2021
19 min

This week, Myrriah shares a little update and her story about Sunday night blues-turned anxiety monster. She shares how taking time to be still can help you connect more deeply with what you feel, even when those feelings aren't always "good" feelings. Myrriah shares how this idea of stillness can be even harder than finding rest, as discussed in a previous episode. Stillness can be uncomfortable and quite frankly boring; but the rewards can be life changing, one moment, one "aha" at a time. Listen till the end for a glimpse into upcoming episode guests and topics!
Sep 21, 2021
30 min

In this episode, Myrriah shares her mindful moment of the week and how it inspired this week's topic! She shares how it can be so easy to cultivate practices on your yoga mat and during a mindful setting, but it is so difficult to maintain those mindful practices in daily life. Myrriah shares her experience leaving class, to instantly forget what she had just encouraged her students to do. She shares how that realization improved the rest of her day, and hopes it helps you too!
Sep 14, 2021
19 min

This week Myrriah shares her difficulty finding and staying in a restful state that brings the desired result of feeling relaxed and recharged. She shares definitions of what rest is and how that can be different for everyone. Even once you find the time and space to rest, is that inner critic quiet or is it disrupting your rest? Myrriah shares her struggles and techniques to combat the inner critic by bringing in self compassion to help relax the body and mind. Hope you find this topic relatable! Reach out with your experiences of rest; what's working for you? What is challenging your ability to rest? Myrriah would love to hear from you via @mindfulbe_ing on instagram or via email: [email protected]
Sep 7, 2021
32 min

In this episode Myrriah goes through her self care toolkit sharing things from drinking more water to delving into EMDR therapy and shaking meditations. She shares about her therapy journey, (Weddings are stressful!) and how you shouldn't always just stick with the first therapist that comes along and expect that to be as good as it gets. At the end she shares her weekly mindful moment about a cracked windshield?
If you would like to reach out the contact info is [email protected] or on instagram @mindfulbe_ing or Myrriah's personal page @myrriahcatalan
Shaking meditation info: https://www.pacesconnection.com/blog/therapeutic-tremoring-shake-off-stress-and-trauma
EMDR Therapy info:https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/
Aug 31, 2021
41 min

In this episode Myrriah shares her journey what got her interested in mindfulness practices such as, yoga, breath work, and meditation. She shares about her not-so-glamorous journey into yoga, but feeling a strong pull even from the beginning to continue down the path and explore this new experience. She also gushes a bit about her favorite yoga celebrity, who has been a big inspiration for her mindfulness journey and this podcast! At the end she shares her mind-less moment, and challenges you to try a mindful technique with your phone!
*the app mentioned is Nike Training Club (I was totally off). You should check it out, its an awesome app that's totally free!
**Rachel Brathen's podcast is Yoga Girl: Conversations from the Heart and the book mentioned is "To Love and Let Go" -recently available in paperback!
Aug 24, 2021
29 min

In this episode Myrriah shares about a personal experience with music that sparked her curiosity into the connection between music and mindfulness. She shares some research on the topic and gives an easy challenge to try and see if you have a similar experience.
Research References:
“By the second week of participating in our study, a number of individuals consistently reported in multiple journal entries an ability to regulate their emotions, elevate their mood, reduce stress, and relieve anxiety by listening to classical music.”
“Decreases in brain activity in the primary somatosensory cortex, an area that is crucially involved in processing the location and intensity of painful stimuli, and increases in brain activity in the afferent fibers of the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and orbito-frontal cortex may be the mechanism by which mindfulness meditation induces its long-lasting pain-relieving effects in humans”
Bell, T. P., McIntyre, K. A., & Hadley, R. (2016). Listening to classical music results in a positive correlation between spatial reasoning and mindfulness. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 26(3), 226–235. https://doi-org.cuesta.idm.oclc.org/10.1037/pmu0000139
“The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of adding music components to mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions. Specifically, the research analyzed effects on state mindfulness, level of personal engagement, and receptivity to future mindfulness- and acceptance-based practices.
…there is value in including music-based practices into a mindfulness program.”
Carter, M. (2021). A pathway to psychological flexibility: Exploring the impact of music-based mindfulness interventions for college students [ProQuest Information & Learning]. In Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering (Vol. 82, Issue 3–B).
Aug 17, 2021
21 min

This week Myrriah talks about her recent travel adventure and the difficulties traveling can bring to daily mindful habits. Tune in to hear a mindful moment at the end recorded from the cruise ship balcony!
Aug 10, 2021
15 min
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