Mind Warp Radio Podcast

Mind Warp Radio

Jamie Snyder
Here we’ll be discussing the wonders of the natural world, the stars above, and everything in between.
Why I Got Rid of Wi-Fi + TV ∙ Simplifying My Life
In today’s episode, we talk about how I simplified my life in order to live more presently. I talk about getting rid of my TV, downgrading my phone plan and intentionally not having Wi-Fi at home, as well as simplifying my life and a new space. I hope you can get something out of this episode.
Sep 10, 2022
12 min
How To Start Your Podcast
On this weeks episode, we discuss how to start your own podcast. Topics include: Your podcast idea, equipment you will need, creating a brand for your podcast and more.
Jan 10, 2022
23 min
Video Games, Mindfulness + Spirituality
On today's episode we talk about video games, mindfulness + spirituality.  We talk about the positives of video games when played in moderation, how we can remain mindful while playing, and how they can tie into spirituality.  Thanks for checking us out- feel free to leave a review on your streaming platform <3 xo
Jan 3, 2022
23 min
How Envelope Budgeting Changed My Life
We discuss - Envelope budgeting / cash stuffing - Budgeting in general - How this changed my relationship to money + saved me from living paycheck to paycheck - My tips for budgeting - My tips for managing money when you don't make a high salary (me) Where I discovered this method: https://www.youtube.com/c/Monet’sMoney
Dec 27, 2021
15 min
The Healing Power of Magic Mushrooms
We discuss: - The History of Magic Mushrooms - Stigma + Safety - What to expect from a trip - How to prepare - Shrooms + mental illness - Harnessing the healing powers - Microdosing - Legality + decriminalization - My experience tripping Thank you so much for tuning in. Follow us on instagram @mindwarpradio, email us at [email protected] or visit mindwarpradio.com for more. Sources: History of Magic Mushrooms https://www.fieldtriphealth.com/blog/the-history-of-magic-mushrooms Misunderstood Magic: The Stigma Behind Magic Mushrooms https://blog.yourmultiverse.com/misunderstood-magic-the-stigma-behind-magic-mushrooms/ History of LSD https://www.history.com/topics/crime/history-of-lsd Beginner’s Guide to Healing with Magic Mushrooms https://entheonation.com/blog/beginners-guide-healing-magic-mushrooms/ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/jul/04/magic-mushrooms-could-help-ex-soldiers-to-overcome-trauma https://tripsafe.org/shrooms-side-effects/ https://tripsafe.org/shrooms/ https://tripsafe.org/ Psilocybin Laws https://psilocybin.net/laws/ Psilocybin decriminalization in the United States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybin_decriminalization_in_the_United_States https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mushroom-addiction/what-happens-getting-caught/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_psilocybin_mushrooms
Dec 18, 2021
45 min
Self-Care During Quarantine
Hey guys! Welcome back to Mind Warp Radio. I decided to bring back the podcast with a new focus on heath, wellness, the universe and peace n love. These are my self-care tips while in quarantine. Article about our frequency + earth's frequency https://brainworldmagazine.com/tuning-in-to-the-earths-natural-rhythm/ take care of yourself and others xo jamie
Aug 7, 2020
14 min
What happened to Betty and Barney Hill?
On the night of September 19, 1961, couple Betty and Barney Hill were driving through the New Hampshire countryside. Suddenly, a strange craft began to follow them. When the pair arrived home, they realized two hours of their time had gone missing, and they couldn't remember what happened. Their watches stopped working and their clothes were torn. Soon after, Betty began having disturbing nightmares about being taken aboard a strange craft. This leaves us wondering, what happened to Betty and Barney Hill?   xoxo www.mindwarpradio.com   sources: https://www.ufocasebook.com/Hill.html https://www.historicmysteries.com/betty-and-barney-hill-abduction/
Jul 29, 2019
15 min
What was it like growing up in the 1960's?
In this episode, we're joined by my cousin Christine as we interview / talk with our grandma about life in the 60's.    We talk about: daily life, trends, dancing, what has changed since then, politics, Kennedy's assassination, global warming, the supernatural and much much more   www.mindwarpradio.com
Jul 22, 2019
58 min
When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
Every night behind our closed eyes, we explore the depths of the dream realm.  In this episode, we'll explore the infamous question asked by Billie Eilish in her debut album title- When we all fall asleep, where do we go? We'll talk about: the dream realm sleep paralysis astral projection all about dreams and sleep + much more!!!!   sources: Understanding Human Behavior published by the Columbia House https://cafeausoul.com/dreams/inspired-by-dreams/dream-expert-kari-hohne/types-dreams   Thank you for tuning in. Visit mindwarpradio.com 
Jul 8, 2019
30 min
If time is a concept, does it exist?
SEASON 2 IS HERE!!   S2 EP1 If time is a concept, does it exist? Today we talk a bit about time itself, and if it even exists at all. We will touch briefly on the theory of relativity and what scientists know about time.    Thanks for tuning in. Keep answering unanswerable questions. Visit www.mindwarpradio.com    sources that i used for information in this episode:  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/04/050415115227.htm https://medium.com/@jackkrupansky/does-time-really-exist-fef73bb794a6   tags: time, theory of relativity, albert einstein, time travel, space time, concept, space time, universe, wormhole
Jul 1, 2019
12 min
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